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7 years ago
Three four-year-olds are sitting at a table coloring. One says, “I have the red crayon.” The second one says “I’m making a blue bird.” The third one says, “I like coloring.” How would Piaget or Vygotsky each explain what is going on?
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7 years ago
Piaget's theory is guided by assumptions of how learners interact with their environment and how they integrate new knowledge and information into existing knowledge. Some point-
1. Children are active learners who construct knowledge from their environments.
2. They learn through assimilation and accommodation, and complex cognitive development occurs through equilibration.
3. The interaction with physical and social environments is key for cognitive development.
4. Development occurs in stages.
Lev Vygotsky's theory of cognitive development, referred to as his cultural-historical theory, focused on the role of culture and social interactions. Vygotsky maintained that speech is a major psychological tool in the child's development of thinking.
Six major expectations-
1. Children develop through informal and formal conversations with adults.
2. The first few years of life are critical for development, as this is where thought and language become increasingly independent.
3. Complex mental activities begin as basic social activities.
4. Children can perform more difficult tasks with the help of a more advanced individual.
5. Tasks that are challenging promote cognitive development growth.
6. The play is important and allows children to stretch themselves cognitively.
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