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Vivaldi Vivaldi
Posts: 7
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11 years ago
Which of the following is true?
    a.   All cells use energy in a proton gradient to phosphorylate ADP.
    b.   All animal cells can undergo cellular respiration.
    c.   All cells can use the Citric Acid Cycle to generate ATP and NADH.
    d.   Glucose is the only chemical structure that can enter the pathways of cellular respiration for energy.
    e.   All cells can use glycolysis to generate ATP and NADH.

Which of the following leads to the greatest amount of chemical energy being captured per molecule of glucose?

    a.   Krebs Cycle
    b.   glycolysis
    c.   electron transport resulting from reduced FAD
    d.   chemiosmotic oxidative phosphorylation
    e.   FAD reduction

I chose(guessed) B (All animal cells can undergo cellular respiration.) for the first one and D (chemiosmotic oxidative phosphorylation) for the second one.o3o  I don't even know what I am doing right now being a biology major./smh
Read 1883 times
7 Replies
What an understatement.
11 years ago
B is right
but im pretty sure its B for the second one also
Vivaldi Author
11 years ago
Thanks for the reply!:3

Unfortunately, they were not right.xD 
What an understatement.
Answer accepted by topic starter
Posts: 22
Rep: 1 0
11 years ago Edited: 11 years ago, john86
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This verified answer contains over 260 words.

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Vivaldi Author
11 years ago
I wished I has seen this before I handed in my homework.
Thank you very much!
What an understatement.
11 years ago
I believe John is correct

good luck on the drexel midterm tomorrow… I feel equal pain  Frowning Face
11 years ago
I believe John is correct

good luck on the drexel midterm tomorrow… I feel equal pain  Frowning Face

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Vivaldi Author
11 years ago
I believe John is correct

good luck on the drexel midterm tomorrow… I feel equal pain  Frowning Face
Sorry for the late reply and thanks!  It was not all too bad as I thought it was.  However, I am still pretty iffy about the next exam.Frowning Face
What an understatement.
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