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Jermain_ Jermain_
On Hiatus
Posts: 6410
10 years ago
Researchers generally believe that differences between ethnic groups in cognitive abilities occur primarily as a result of
   A) biases inherent in most standardized tests.
   B) different experiences in and out of school.
   C) different levels of motivation among the groups.
   D) natural abilities of the various groups.
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Valued Member
10 years ago
B) Researchers generally believe that differences between ethnic groups in cognitive abilities mainly occur as a result of different experiences in and out of school. For example, minority groups must contend with fewer resources and discriminating practices. These factors make it more difficult for them to be successful in school compared with white students.
Jermain_ Author
On Hiatus
10 years ago
Thank you for the help.
9 years ago
2. What type(s) of learning approaches would be the most helpful in eliminating gender bias in the classroom?
a. Balance competitive and cooperative approaches.
b. Use both approaches but emphasize competitive approaches.
c. Emphasize competitive approaches.
d. Emphasize cooperative approaches.
9 years ago
2. What type(s) of learning approaches would be the most helpful in eliminating gender bias in the classroom?
a. Balance competitive and cooperative approaches.
b. Use both approaches but emphasize competitive approaches.
c. Emphasize competitive approaches.
d. Emphasize cooperative approaches.

3. Josh's history teacher wants Josh to learn important events that occurred during the Civil War. What type of knowledge would be most directly involved in this learning?
a. Procedural declarative
b. Domain-specific declarative
c. Conditional declarative
d. General declarative

4. Educational practices in American schools during the twentieth century have tended to be based on
a. lower-class, non-sectarian, rationalistic values.
b. middle-class, sectarian values.
c. a cultural deficit model.
d. the melting pot philosophy.

5. Long-term memory that is memory for meaning is called
a. episodic.
b. working.
c. semantic.
d. procedural.

6. Compared to the behavioristic orientation, the cognitive perspective recognizes people as what type of learners?
a. Egocentric
b. Active
c. Passive
d. Social

7. When we intentionally try to learn something new, we are involving what type of long-term memory?
a. Explicit memory
b. Episodic memory
c. Working memory
d. Crystallized memory

8. Which one of the following in the correct sequence of phases for Bandura' s model of observational learning?
a. Attention, retention, motivation, and production
b. Motivation, attention, production, retention
c. Attention, retention, production, motivation
d. Motivation, retention, reduction, attention
9. The position taken by Woolfolk on token reinforcement systems is they should be used primarily
a. by science or math teachers, due to the objective nature of their
b. with gifted classes or older students who are self-motivated.
c. in situations where students are not making progress with
conventional methods.
d. as an incentive program to reward classes that have met unit

10. Differences between males and females in cognitive abilities are
a. attributed more to genetic than environmental factors.
b. reported to be larger today than was the case in earlier studies.
c. considered to be very small and insignificant.
d. small in the past decade but steadily increasing.

11. Noah counted the legs on a bug and came up with eight. He then decided the bug was an arachnid (spider) because an arachnid has eight legs. His decision was based upon what aspect of concept learning?
a. Defining attribute
b. Algorithm
c. Prototype
d. Heuristic

12. Bart uses an old cigarette lighter that has become unreliable. It usually takes from one to 10 flicks to make it work. When the lighter is out of fluid, it will not work at all. By the time that Bart figures out the problem, he has tried flicking it 15 to 20 times. This situation illustrates the principle that
a. variable-reinforcement schedules will produce the greatest
b. fixed-reinforcement schedules will produce the fastest performance.
c. intermittent-reinforcement schedules will aid prior learning.
d. interval-reinforcement schedules will produce the fastest

13. The outcomes of the Brown vs. Board of Education case relative to the original goals for the ruling are generally viewed today as
a. favorable for minorities who are high in SES.
b. highly successful.
c. only slightly successful.
d. highly negative.

14. In salivation by the subject is detected. After a number of pairings between the can opener's operation and food, any time the can opener is used, the subject salivates. The conditioned response in this study is the
a. food.
b. salivation to the can opener.
c. can opener.
d. salivation to the food.
an experiment, an electric can opener is used to open a can, and no
15. A neutral stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus that brings about an unconditioned response. Through repeated pairings of the neutral stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus, the
a. neutral stimulus will come to be ignored.
b. unconditioned response becomes its own stimulus.
c. unconditioned response will become extinct.
d. conditioned stimulus will trigger a conditioned response.

16. The schedule of reinforcement that is the most appropriate to use in the classroom because it encourages persistence and high rates of response is what type of schedule?
a. Fixed-ratio
b. Variable-ratio
c. Variable-interval
d. Fixed-interval

17. According to Borman and Overman (2004), teachers can do the following to create resilient classrooms:
a. increase class size so that students can build up a tolerance to
challenging circumstances.
b. focus mostly on test scores so that students can experience
academic self-efficacy.
c. set the learning goals for the students.
d. provide a safe and orderly classroom and develop positive teacher-
student relationships.

18. The learning style of Native Americans appears to be
a. global, visual.
b. reasoning by inference.
c. global, analytic.
d. field-independent.

19. Ray's temper tantrums have finally driven his mother to her "wits' end." Ray's mother resolves that she will ignore the tantrums no matter what. This plan is an example of
a. shaping.
b. extinction.
c. discrimination.
d. classical conditioning.

20. The cultural-deficit model suggests that immigrant students
a. deserve special treatment given the obstacles they have overcome.
b. achieve higher than American students because of their greater
c. are just as prepared for school as students who are born in this
d. come from an inferior culture that leaves them at a disadvantage.
9 years ago
2. What type(s) of learning approaches would be the most helpful in eliminating gender bias in the classroom?
a. Balance competitive and cooperative approaches.
b. Use both approaches but emphasize competitive approaches.
c. Emphasize competitive approaches.
d. Emphasize cooperative approaches.

Balance competitive and cooperative approaches
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