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gregorydabi247 gregorydabi247
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6 years ago
A patient who had been experiencing significant stress learned to use progressive muscle relaxation and deep breathing exercises.
  When the patient returns to the clinic 2 weeks later, which finding most clearly shows the patient is coping more effectively with stress?
  a. The patient's systolic blood pressure has changed from the 140s to the 120s mm Hg.
  b. The patient reports, I feel better, and that things are not bothering me as much.
  c. The patient reports, I spend more time napping or sitting quietly at home.
  d. The patient's weight decreased by 3 pounds.
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6 years ago
Objective measures tend to be the most reliable means of gauging progress. In this case, the patient's elevated blood pressure, an indication of the body's physiological response to stress, has diminished. The patient's report regarding activity level is subjective; sitting quietly could reflect depression rather than improvement. Appetite, mood, and energy levels are also subjective reports that do not necessarily reflect physiological changes from stress and may not reflect improved coping with stress. The patient's weight change could be a positive or negative indicator; the blood pressure change is the best answer.
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