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howardgiles112 howardgiles112
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6 years ago
Tom's doctor told him he had text neck.. What does that mean, how could it have happened, and what can Tom do to ease or avoid this condition?
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6 years ago
Text neck refers to the excessive strain on the neck, shoulders, and back that stems from the overuse of mobile devices. This condition can lead to chronic headaches, injury, or even permanent damage to the spine. An adult's head weighs 10 to 12 pounds but, when tipped forward to look down at a mobile device, the effective weight on the neck increases to 40 pounds at a 30-degree angle, and 60 pounds at a 60-degree angle. Most smartphone users look down at a device at chest- or waist-level (a 60-degree angle), increasing the stress load on the muscles and nerves of the neck by 60 pounds for long periods throughout the day.

The effects of poor posture while using mobile devices can cause the shoulders to round forward, the neck muscles to be shortened and tightened, and can alter the natural curvature of the spine. In young people, the excessive wear and tear on the spine caused by text neck has led to an increased need for regular spinal care to prevent lasting damage as they grow. The good news is that smartphone users can still enjoy texting and browsing while avoiding upper body strain by practicing improved posture and usage habits.

Tips to prevent text neck include:
 Holding smartphones and other mobile devices at eye level whenever possible.
 Looking down with your eyes, rather than bending your neck, when browsing social media, reading online, or checking email.
 Using voice recognition features to text and make calls.
 Altering your texting position frequently and taking breaks from looking down at mobile devices every 20 minutes.
 Doing regular exercises and flexibility exercises to strengthen neck, back, and core muscles.
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