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craiczarry craiczarry
Posts: 15
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10 years ago
1. Define the term “population.”
2. Explain why organisms are not evenly distributed across Earth.
3. Give an example of how (a) an abiotic factor and (b) abiotic factor can limit population growth.
4. Give an example of (a) biome, (b) an ecosystem within the biome, and (c) a community within this ecosystem.
5. The following metaphor can be used to describe the terms habitat and niche. “The habitat of a species can be compared to an address, while its ecological niche can be compared to a job.” Write another metaphor to describe the range of an organism.
6. Explain why diversity within a population is necessary for evolution.
7. Explain the differences among structural (physical), physiological, and behavioural adaptations. Give an example of each.
8. Are a bat wing and a butterfly wing homologous structures? Explain your answer.
9. Explain why it is correct to talk about the evolution of populations, but it is incorrect to talk about the evolution of individual organisms.
10. Describe how the following items contributed to Darwin’s theory of evolution:
a) his experiences on the voyage of the Beagle
b) Lyell’s Principles of Geology
c) Malthus’s essay about populations
11. A) Describe the possible fates of a mutation and the effects that a mutation may have on a population.
B) Explain what could happen in a population when a mutation provides a selective advantage.
12. The following shows the levels of classifi cation for a grey wolf. These levels are not in order according to the hierarchical classifi cation system in use today.
order: Carnivora
class: Mammalia
kingdom: Animalia
phylum: Chordata
domain: Eukarya
species: lupus
family: Canidae
genus: Canis
A) Place the levels of classifi cation in order from most general to most specific.
b) Identify the scientific name of the grey wolf.
13. Female grizzly bears typically have only one offspring every three to fi ve years. Black bears, however, have their offspring (often twins or even triplets) every two years. Female grizzlies do not begin breeding until they are five to seven years old, whereas female black bears begin breeding when they are from three to fi ve years old. Grizzly bears and black bears are omnivores, but grizzly bears have a more restricted diet and are more particular about their dining sites. Grizzly bears are also larger than black bears.
A) Identify which species of bear is more likely to become endangered as changes occur in their habitat and explain your reasoning.
14. Grizzly bears can mate with black bears, but the offspring are not fertile. On the other hand, grizzly bears can mate with polar bears, and the offspring are fertile.
A) Infer the evolutionary relationship among grizzly bears, black bears, and polar bears.

15. Explain how the following situations are reproductive barriers that keep species separate.
a) Species of fi refl ies use distinctive patterns of fl ashes.
b) Two species of grass fl ower at different times of year, yet live in the same environment.
c) The crossing of two species of fl y produces a fertile hybrid offspring, whose offspring is weak and infertile.

16. Imagine two frog populations in two different locations. The frogs differ only in the colour of their skin.
a) Suggest data that would help you decide if both populations belong to the same species of frog.
b) Assume that the two populations are different species. Suggest data that would help you decide how closely related these two species are to each other.

17. Many of the endangered species in the world have very specific, or narrow, ecological niches. Explain why species with narrow ecological niches are more likely to become extinct than species with broader ecological niches.

18. Given your understanding of diversity within a species and natural selection, explain why it is important to maintain biodiversity.
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Staff Member
10 years ago
18. Given your understanding of diversity within a species and natural selection, explain why it is important to maintain biodiversity.

Biodiversity plays a key role on our planet beacuse more species will survive during any environmental changes. an example you can take is bears. say there are alot of bears in an environment, and they are all very similar due to lack of biodiversity. if their was a severe change in climate and the bears are not suited to survive the new temperatures, the species will become endangered or go extinct.

And this plays a whole key factor in the food web, or chain. with one less species around, another species loses its source of food and another becomes overpopulated because nothing is eating it, such as salmon to bears. if you want to know more, look up ecological niches, which is the role of a species in it's environment.

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Tralalalala Slight Smile
10 years ago
2. Organisms are not distributed across Earth because the patterns of distribution are largely due to abiotic factors. Most organisms receive their energy from the sun, either directly or indirectly. Organisms require certain levels of abiotic conditions, which are things such as temperature, humidity, salinity (saltiness), moisture, etc. Organisms can tolerate fluctuation in these levels but only within a certain range – there is always a certain level that suits the organism best. Therefore, it is the abiotic factors that affect the distribution of Earth’s organisms.
10 years ago
To answer Question 1) A population is defined as a group of organisms that are of the same species that live in the same habitat and have the capability of being able to have fertile young.
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