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apachec29053 apachec29053
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6 years ago
The nurse is preparing to discharge a client on an antiretroviral agent. The client's spouse asks the nurse how she can best practice infection-control techniques. What techniques should the nurse discuss with the client's spouse?(Select all that apply.)
  1. Take the client's temperature daily.
  2. Avoid the affected area.
  3. Take your temperature daily.
  4. Practice good handwashing.
  5. Weekly laboratory blood draws.
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6 years ago
2, 4

Rationale 1: Taking a daily temperature may be used to monitor infection, but not to control it.
Rationale 2: Handwashing and avoidance of the infected area are both techniques the spouse and other family members can use to control infection.
Rationale 3: Taking a daily temperature may be used to monitor infection, but not to control it.
Rationale 4: Handwashing and avoidance of the infected area are both techniques the spouse and other family members can use to control infection.
Rationale 5: Weekly laboratory blood draws is not an infection control measure.

Global Rationale: Handwashing and avoidance of the infected area are both techniques the spouse and other family members can use to control infection. Taking a daily temperature may be used to monitor infection, but not to control it. Weekly laboratory blood draws is not an infection control measure.
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