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Mica121 Mica121
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6 years ago
The family member of a client with Parkinson disease notifies the nurse that the client is demonstrating extrapyramidal symptoms. Which instruction by the nurse to the family is the most appropriate?
  1. Increase the dosage of the antiparkinson drugs.
  2. Transport the client to the emergency department immediately.
  3. Make an appointment when convenient for the client and health care provider for an evaluation.
  4. Give diphenhydramine (Benadryl) 25 mg immediately by mouth.
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6 years ago
Correct Answer: 2
Rationale 1: The dosage of antiparkinson drugs is not increased, as symptoms can become worse with increased dosage.
Rationale 2: Extrapyramidal symptoms can be life threatening without intervention. The client should be transported immediately to the emergency department.
Rationale 3: Extrapyramidal symptoms can be life threatening without intervention. The client should not wait for an appointment with the health care provider.
Rationale 4: Diphenhydramine must be given parenterally for effective treatment.
Global Rationale: Extrapyramidal symptoms can be life threatening without intervention. The client should be transported immediately to the emergency department; it would not be appropriate to wait for an appointment with the health care provider. The dosage of antiparkinson drugs is not increased, as symptoms can become worse with increased dosage. Diphenhydramine must be given parenterally for effective treatment.
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6 years ago
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