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swhite9946 swhite9946
Posts: 616
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6 years ago
On February 15, Mazur Corp contracted to sell 1,000 bushels of wheat to Good Bread, Inc, at 6.00 per bushel with delivery to be made on June 23 . On June 1, Good advised Mazur that it would not accept or pay for the wheat. On June 2, Mazur sold the wheat to another customer at the market price of 5.00 per bushel. Mazur had advised Good that it intended to resell the wheat. Which of the following statements is correct?
 a. Mazur can successfully sue Good for the difference between the resale price and the contract price.
  b. Mazur can resell the wheat only after June 23.
  c. Good can retract its anticipatory breach at any time before June 23.
  d. Good can successfully sue Mazur for specific performance.
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Posts: 229
Rep: 1 0
6 years ago
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Good timing, thanks!
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