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ezora ezora
9 years ago
Abortion has lost some of its controversy however here is another issue around abortion. Many will conclude that abortion should be legal because the mother has the right to choose, however I want you to think about it from a different side, what (if any) rights should the father have? In other words what if the father wants the baby but the mother does not, should he have the right to prevent the abortion? Why or Why not? What if the father does not want the child and wants the mother to have an abortion, should he have the right to force her to have an abortion? Why or Why not? This is an opinion based question, however please provide rationale for your answer.
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9 years ago
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9 years ago
disagree with the notion of a "woman's right to choose." The last time I checked, it took both a man and a woman to create a child. So where do fathers come into play in this decision?

We should be talking about "parents right to choose."

I'm so sick of the notion that children belong more to the mother than the father. Of course, proponents of this argument attest that it's true until the time comes to provide financial support when suddenly men hear, "Well you're the father, so pay up."

The way I see it there are only two ways to look at this. Either:

A. The father is 50% the parent of the child
B. The child belongs more to one parent than the other

If you believe A, then you can't argue that a father should have no say in the decision of abortion.

If you believe B, then you can't argue that fathers should be required to provide financial support for their children.

Personally, I take the position of A. Fathers are responsible for their children. I will not, however, accept responsibility for a child without also being afforded the same rights and privileges to the child as the mother.

When a woman seeks an abortion she should be required to declare the identity of the father. His written authorization should be obtained before the procedure may be administered.

Should the father decide to not abort the child, then the mother should be required to honor his decision. The mother can always give the child to the father after he/she is born.

In cases where the father is unknown, unavailable, or incapable of providing consent then the mother should be required to sign a legal document attesting to such.

After the abortion is performed, should the biological father learn of what has happened (and he can prove that his consent was undermined by the mother) he should have the right to impose civil liability against the mother.

NOTE: In cases where conception occurs through illegal means (such as rape) I do believe the father's rights should be forfeited as a result of his crime against the mother.
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