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biolove biolove
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Posts: 1723
9 years ago
Discussion 1.

The work of literature I am discussing is a novel written by Kate Chopin and published in the year 1890 known as “At Fault”. Chopin as generalized as a social writer and basically she writes about the social themes. She was known as a female ahead of her times who thinks about individuality and freedom of a woman. “At Fault” novel theme is also based upon the social stigma of late nineteenth century known as Divorce.

In her novel Chopin has tried to convince the society about the ills prevalent then and hoe to rid of these social ills. In her novel there were lot of complex plots, themes and characters, and among all these the protagonists have to march strong against ill prevalent. Chopin has showed the ambivalent picture about the American household like broken marriages and economic restructure. But among all the aspects her novel is optimistic and shows the redemption power of love which grows against all odds.

Discussion 2.

The three elements which I have seen while reading Chopin’s novel “At Fault” are the lifestyle, feminism, and her creative style in her novel. In her novel she has described about the lifestyle of nineteenth century. Also she wrote about the upbringing of women during that period. Feminism is her favorite topic; Chopin was among the first American authors to write truthfully about women's hidden lives, about women's sexuality, and about some of the complexities, and contradictions in women's relationships with their husbands. The creative style of Chopin was to show about the immoral treatment of sexuality, divorce and she has reflected her ideas in her writing as a modern writer who speaks about truth and complexities related with freedom.


Campbell, Donna. "At Fault: A Reappraisal of Kate Chopin's Other Novel." The Cambridge Companion to Kate Chopin. 27-43. Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2008.
Russell, David. "A Vision of Reunion: Kate Chopin's At Fault." Southern Quarterly: A Journal of the Arts in the South 46.1 (Fall 2008): 8-25.
Despain, Max and Thomas Bonner, Jr. "Shoulder to Wings: The Provenance of Winged Imagery from Kate Chopin's Juvenilia Through The Awakening."Xavier Review 25.2 (2005): 49-64.
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