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RikTelner RikTelner
Posts: 33
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9 years ago
I want to cover my eye for entire week with something that will keep it dark as crack. After a week. I want to check whether there is difference between eyes (don't tell what, don't spoil it!). When I keep my right eye under darkness for a week. Could something bad happen? I mean, I realize my eye will blow up because of hue, saturation and lightness. But I won't become blind or something? I've heard that if you're not using parts of your body, they're disabled by brain.
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9 years ago
When I keep my right eye under darkness for a week. Could something bad happen?

No. Your eye will be in the most relaxed state it has ever been Wink Face Therefore, your iris will thank you for that.

You will not become blind at all. Update us after a week, this sounds interesting and weird at the same time.

RikTelner Author
9 years ago
When I keep my right eye under darkness for a week. Could something bad happen?

No. Your eye will be in the most relaxed state it has ever been Wink Face Therefore, your iris will thank you for that.

You will not become blind at all. Update us after a week, this sounds interesting and weird at the same time.

Okay. I'll tell ya within a week. See ya 'til then Wink Face. I know what iris means, you don't need to force dictionary into my hands Smiling Face with Open Mouth.
9 years ago
Haha, just trying to be helpful.
RikTelner Author
9 years ago
Apparently my eye is sweating like hell. + I'm hygienic psychopath. So... we shorten the "7 days to die" (c). I will do it through today (05-08-2014), tomorrow (06-08-2014) and at noon next day (07-08-2014) I will take it off.
9 years ago
I was wondering how you'd take a shower with an eye-patch also.
RikTelner Author
9 years ago
I comarade! Gonna wash it in the C, R!! *got that pun?* (Aye, Sea, Argh!)
9 years ago
Yes lol
RikTelner Author
9 years ago
I took it today off, it was miserable. Like I can't stand the fact that I can't see in 3D. The brightness and saturation was a little bit better than in the one eye that is supposed to work. But beyond that, nothing special. No improvements in vision whatsoever.
9 years ago
You were expecting improved vision?
Biology - The only science where multiplication and division mean the same thing.
9 years ago
You were expecting improved vision?

Logically it makes sense, doesn't it?
9 years ago
Poor eyesight comes from the inability of the cornea and lens to focus light onto the retina.
RikTelner Author
9 years ago
Poor eyesight comes from the inability of the cornea and lens to focus light onto the retina.

Yea. I know that.

You were expecting improved vision?
A little bit. Relaxed eye would means relaxed eye muscles and some doctor did research about it and has proven that stress of muscles in the eye has bigger effect on eyesight than lens itself.
9 years ago
A little bit. Relaxed eye would means relaxed eye muscles and some doctor did research about it and has proven that stress of muscles in the eye has bigger effect on eyesight than lens itself.

Intuitively it makes sense. Why not repeat the experiment with a longer duration?
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