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RLeanne RLeanne
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12 years ago
I've tried and read this fill in the blank story endlessly, and i just cant seem to get it. The red font is what i tried (not sure if theyre right) and the blank spots are what i need, HELP PLEASE!

For this trip, you are miniaturized for injection into your host's skin. Your journey begins when you are injected into a soft gel-like substance. Your immediate surroundings resemble huge, grotesquely twisted vines. But when you peer carefully at the closest "vine," you realize you are actually seeing connective tissue fibers. Most of the fibers are fairly straight, although tangled together, and look like strong cables. You identify these as the collagen and elastic fibers. Here and there are fibers that resemble coiled springs. These must be the elastic fibers that help give skin its springiness. At this point, there is little question that you are in the dermis region of the skin, particularly since you can also see blood vessels and nerve fiber around you.

Carefully, using the fibers as steps, you begin to climb upward. After climbing for some time and finding that you still haven't reached the upper regions of the skin, you stop for a rest. As you sit, a strange-looking cell approaches, moving slowly with parts alternately flowing forward and then receding. Suddenly you realize that this must be a Macrophage that is about to dispose of an intruder (you) unless you move in a hurry! You scramble to your feet and resume your upward climb. On your right is a large fibrous structure that looks like a tree trunk anchored in place by muscle fibers. By scurrying up this _______________ sheath, you are able to escape from the cell and you take a moment to again scan your surroundings. Directly overhead are tall cubelike cells, forming a continuous sheetlike membrane. In your rush to escape you reached the Epidermal region of the skin. As you watch the activity of the cells in this layer, you notice that many of the cells are pinching in two and that the daughter cells are being forced upward. Obviously, this is the specific layer that continually replaces cells that rub off the skin surface, and these are the __________________ cells.

Looking through the transparent cell membrane of one of the basal cells, you see a dark mass hanging over the nucleus. You wonder if this cell could have a tumor; but then, looking through the membranes of the neighboring cells, you find that they also have dark umbrell-like masses hanging over their nuclei. As you consider this matter, a black cell with long tentacles begins to pick its way carefully between the other cells. As you watch, one of the transparent cells engulf the end of a tentacle of the black cell, and within seconds contains some of its black substance. Suddenly, you remember that one of the skin's protective function is to protect the deeper layers from sun damage; the black substance must be the protective pigment __________________.

Once againyou begin your upweard climb and notice that the cells are becoming shorter and harder and are full of a tough, waxy substance. This substance has to be____________, which would acount for the increasing hardness of the cells. Climbing still higher, the cells become flattened like huge shingles. The only material apparent in the cells is the wacxy substance; there is no nucleus, and there appears to be no activity in these cells. Considering the clues -- shinglelike cells, no nuclei, full of the waxy substance, no activity -- these cells are obviously _______________ and therefore are very close to the skin surface.

Suddenly, you feel a strong agitation in your immediate area. The pressure is tremendous. Looking upward through the transparent cell layers, you see your host's fingertips vigorously scratching the area directly overhead. You wonder if you are causing his skin to sting or tickle. Then, within seconds, the cells around you begin to separate and fall apart, and you are catapulted out into the sunlight. Since the scratching fingers might descend once again, you quickly advise your host of your presence. Hhheeeeyyyy .... ______________ .
Source  elaine N marieb
Read 31547 times

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