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Brown_Eyes Brown_Eyes
Posts: 27
Rep: 3 0
9 years ago

Question 1 of 29
0.5 Points
Which one of the following best describes socialization as developmental theorists typically use the term?
 A.Learning and following rules of moral behavior

 B.Molding children’s behavior so that it is appropriate for their society

 C.Interaction with other people, especially peers, in enjoyable activities

 D.Acquiring an increasingly complex understanding of interpersonal relationships

Question 2 of 29
0.5 Points
Culture has a pervasive influence on child development. Which one of the following best describes the general nature of a culture?
 A.The behaviors and beliefs that characterize a social group

 B.A group of people who live in the same geographical region

 C.A group of people who share the same religious background

 D.The art and artifacts associated with a social group

Question 3 of 29
0.5 Points
A community contributes to children’s development in three of the following ways. Which one of the following aspects of a community is least likely to have an impact on children’s development?
 A.A community provides recreational activities.

 B.A community has definite geographical boundaries.

 C.A community communicates information about what behaviors are acceptable.

 D.A community offers support services that assist parents in their parenting efforts.

Question 4 of 29
0.5 Points
Imagine that you are a teacher in an American school. You have a class of 25 students. If your students are representative of the overall population of American children, then how many of them probably live with both of their biological parents?
 A.All but one or two of them

 B.About 85% of them

 C.About 60% of them

 D.Fewer than 30% of them

Question 5 of 29
0.5 Points
Three of the following statements are typically true of fathers. Which one is not typically true?
 A.Fathers can competently feed and bathe their children.

 B.Fathers tend to engage children in active physical play.

 C.Fathers help children learn to get along with others outside the family.

 D.Fathers spend more time than mothers addressing children’s physical care.

Question 6 of 29
1.0 Points
Martha and Desmond are married and raising three children. Which one of the following best illustrates the coparenting aspect of their marriage?
 A.They must determine who will take charge of paying the bills each month.

 B.They must agree on appropriate consequences when a child misbehaves.

 C.Martha typically defers to Desmond’s judgment when a crisis arises.

 D.They must work hard to keep their intimate moments private.

Question 7 of 29
1.0 Points
Ten-year-old Wayne’s father has just moved out of the house, and his parents are in the process of getting a divorce. Three of the following are likely to be true about Wayne. Which one is likely to be false?
 A.Wayne’s family is probably wealthy rather than poor.

 B.Wayne may very well have to move into a smaller home or apartment.

 C.Wayne feels anxious and uncertain about what the custody arrangements might be.

 D.Despite his parents’ frequent arguments in recent months, the news of their impending divorce has caught Wayne by surprise.

Question 8 of 29
1.0 Points
Five-year-old Caroline’s parents are getting divorced. Chances are that Caroline:
 A.Is in total denial that anything bad is happening to her family

 B.Feels relieved that family conflicts will be coming to an end

 C.Is quite understanding about why her parents are splitting up

 D.Thinks that her own bad behavior caused the divorce

Question 9 of 29
1.0 Points
Which one of the following best illustrates a blended family?
 A.After his wife dies, Jim marries Nancy, who helps him take care of his 6-year-old son Peter. Later, they add a newborn baby girl to the family.

 B.Seth, who is Jewish, marries Maria Elena, who is Catholic. Together they work out religious beliefs and practices that the two of them will share.

 C.Nadia, age 28, marries Marcus, who at age 53 has never been married before. Their friends affectionately call their union a “May-December wedding.”

 D.Kevin and Lucille adopt two children who were born in other countries. Their son comes from Ecuador, their daughter from Romania.

Question 10 of 29
1.0 Points
Which one of the following statements reveals a child who is talking about his or her extended family?
 A.“I have thirteen brothers and sisters, and I love them all!”

 B.“Can I make a valentine card to send to my grandmother?”

 C.“I’m going to spend Thanksgiving with my mom and Hanukkah at my dad’s house.”

 D.“After my parents divorced, my dad moved far away, and I hardly ever see him anymore.”

Question 11 of 29
0.5 Points
Which one of the following statements is true regarding blended families?
 A.Children accept a stepfather more easily than they accept a stepmother.

 B.Most children and adolescents adjust well to a blended family situation.

 C.Daughters may adjust to a blended family situation, but sons almost never do.

 D.Young children usually adjust well to a blended family situation, but adolescents rarely do.

Question 12 of 29
1.0 Points
Ray and Jessica have just adopted a baby girl from Russia. Like them, she has brown eyes and brown hair and could easily pass as their biological child. As she grows older, they can best foster her social-emotional development by:
 A.Pretending she’s their biological child

 B.Waiting until she’s 13 or 14 to tell her she’s adopted

 C.Talking openly about the process they went through to adopt her

 D.Telling her she’s adopted but explaining that it’s best to hide this fact from peers

Question 13 of 29
0.5 Points
Only one of the following statements is true about children whose parents are a gay or lesbian couple. Which one is true?
 A.They are apt to have trouble forming intimate relationships as adults.

 B.They are likely to suffer mental health and adjustment problems.

 C.They are as intelligent and well adjusted as other children.

 D.They are highly likely to become homosexual themselves.

Question 14 of 29
1.0 Points
Twelve-year-old Lacey and her mother are a two-person family. Mother’s long-term boyfriend has just moved in with them. What effect will the move have on Lacey?
 A.Chances are about 80% that Lacey will be the victim of child abuse.

 B.Lacey will almost certainly show an increase in misbehavior at school.

 C.If Lacey has a warm, loving relationship with him, she will probably adjust well.

 D.When she reaches adulthood, Lacey will probably have trouble forming stable relationships with others.

Question 15 of 29
0.5 Points
Many children of teenage mothers do well. On average, however, these children are at greater risk for three of the following developmental problems. Which one of the following is least likely to be observed in children of teenage mothers?
 A.Delayed walking

 B.Delayed language skills

 C.Lower academic achievement

 D.Less emotional attachment to their mothers

Question 16 of 29
1.0 Points
Some physical disabilities are the result of genetic abnormalities. An example is Down syndrome, in which
 A. Children have a defective dominant gene

 B. Children have a defective recessive gene

 C. Children have an extra chromosome

 D. Children are missing a chromosome

Question 17 of 29
1.0 Points
About 25 days after a conception, the brain of a baby-to-be is a tiny tube. Over time the tube grows longer and folds to form pockets that gradually evolve into structurally different parts. Inside the tube, neurons reproduce at an astonishing rate and then migrate to various locations to take on their functions. All of this happens regardless of the future baby’s environmental circumstances. Which one of the following concepts best describes the nature of this early brain development?



 D.reflexive action

Question 18 of 29
0.5 Points
Imagine that you are a preschool teacher and want to foster your students’ development in a variety of domains. In which of the following areas is canalization most likely to be a significant factor in their development?
 A.motor skills

 B.social skills

 C.counting skills

 D.pre-reading skills

Question 19 of 29
1.0 Points
Like his parents, 10-year-old David is, by temperament, a quiet, mild-mannered individual who would much rather read a good book than play sports. David thrives in the peaceful, book-filled apartment in which he and his family live. This situation can best be described as:

 B.an active gene-environment relation

 C.a passive gene-environment relation

 D.an evocative gene-environment relation

Question 20 of 29
1.0 Points
Ruth has always been a rambunctious, outspoken child. Her excessively high energy levels and tendency to blurt out unkind remarks often alienate her peers, and she has trouble making and keeping friends. This situation can best be described as:

 B.an active gene-environment relation

 C.a passive gene-environment relation

 D.an evocative gene-environment relation

Question 21 of 29
0.5 Points
A tiny cluster of cells has just traveled down one of its mother’s fallopian tubes and implanted itself in the mother’s uterus. What word is typically used for a baby-to-be at this stage of development?




Question 22 of 29
0.5 Points
A small mass has been in a mother’s placenta for several weeks. A small head is distinguishable from the body, and tiny buds that will become arms and legs are just beginning to sprout fingers and toes. What word is typically used for a baby-to-be at this stage of development?




Question 23 of 29
1.0 Points
A pregnant woman has an ultrasound to assess the progress of the twins she is expecting. Her doctor says, “From what I can see on the screen, Ms. Black, it looks as if you will have a boy and a girl.” In what stage of development must the twins be?




Question 24 of 29
0.5 Points
Three of the following are examples of teratogens. Which one is not a teratogen?


 C.lead dust

 D.loud noise

Question 25 of 29
0.5 Points
A pregnant woman regularly uses cocaine and heroin throughout her pregnancy. Chances are that her baby will:
 A.Have Down syndrome

 B.Have Tay-Sachs disease

 C.Be born late and have an exceptionally large head

 D.Be born prematurely and show unusual irritability

Question 26 of 29
1.0 Points
Eight-year-old Elizabeth has unusual facial features and has exceptional difficulty learning and remembering the basics of reading, writing, and math. Without knowing anything else about Elizabeth, you might wonder if she has:

 B.Huntington disease

 C.Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

 D.Duchenne muscular dystrophy

Question 27 of 29
0.5 Points
Three of the following are sound words of advice for any pregnant woman. Which piece of advice is not sound?
 A.Stop smoking.

 B.Exercise regularly.

 C.Stop taking vitamin supplements.

 D.Stop drinking alcoholic beverages.

Question 28 of 29
0.5 Points
Which one of the following best describes the nature of a Braxton-Hicks contraction?
 A.The fetus is in the birth canal and will be a newborn baby within the hour.

 B.The mother’s uterine muscles are not yet causing any cervical dilation.

 C.The mother’s body is working extra hard because the baby is in a breech position.

 D.The force is strong enough that the mother’s water breaks (i.e., the sac holding the fluid around the fetus breaks open).

Question 29 of 29
0.5 Points
Three of the following are common practices in caring for a premature infant. Which one is not recommended?
 A.Cuddle the infant.

 B.Massage the infant.

 C.Give the infant plenty of light.

 D.Minimize any disruptions to sleep.

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Staff Member
9 years ago
You literally posted 10+ questions when the forum rules clearly dictate two per topic.

Which one of the following best describes socialization as developmental theorists typically use the term?
 A.Learning and following rules of moral behavior

 B.Molding children’s behavior so that it is appropriate for their society

 C.Interaction with other people, especially peers, in enjoyable activities

 D.Acquiring an increasingly complex understanding of interpersonal relationships

Molding children’s behavior to enable effective functioning within their culture

2.   Which one of the following statements reveals a child who is talking about his or her extended family? (pg.75-76)
a.   “I’m going to spend Thanksgiving with my mom and Hanukkah at my dad’s house.”
b.   “Can I make a Valentine card to send to my grandmother?”
c.   “After my parents divorced, my dad moved far away, and I hardly ever see him anymore”
d.   “I have thirteen brothers and sisters, and I love them all!”


I have the answers to all of these questions, so if you follow the forum rules, I will answer them happily.
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