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bluH2Oman bluH2Oman
Posts: 6
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9 years ago
Evening guys and gals. I came across this site while searching the web for information regarding the latest outbreak of Ebola in Africa. My better half was a biologist with the DEQ for some time and has a better grasp (biology) of this kind of stuff than I, and she is quite concerned that it will rear its head here in the US. She has been trying to track its and stay up to date on all of its progress for about six months now. She (and I) are not ones to base our opinions on sound bytes from main stream media outlets, so I wanted to hear what some of you guys who might be "in the know" have to say about it. One site that she uses to track and get updates from is rsoe,com. For about a month now they havent been updating information on the outbreak, which is listed, and was updated regularly. Not trying to be a scardy cat, I just like situational awareness.

                                                   Thanks in advance, J
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13 Replies
Staff Member
9 years ago
It's definitely a scary virus. I think it's a lot more dangerous than the news has made it to be because they don't want people to get into a frenzy. If it makes its way to our continent, the outcome will be disastrous. It makes me wonder why the outbreak started in Africa Face with Rolling Eyes
Mastering in Nutritional Biology
Tralalalala Slight Smile
bluH2Oman Author
9 years ago Edited: 9 years ago, bluH2Oman
Thank you for the reply. Agreed, from what Ive learned, its creepy. You mentioned in your post that it would be disastrous if it made it here. On a 1-10 scale, 10 the worst,  would you speculate on how disastrous? Is this something you've kept an eye on? Also, Ive seen a few people speculate that it wouldnt do well here in the states due to it being from a tropical location. Any thoughts on that?
Post Merge: 9 years ago

With over 400 variants, do you think it could evade detection using the current diagnostics available? Also, Venezuela has had some interesting developments with 8 people dying from an 'acute febrile hemorrhagic syndrome' but denying it is ebola. Any thoughts on this given our southern border situation?
Staff Member
9 years ago Edited: 9 years ago, Biology-Forums
On a 1-10 scale, 10 the worst,  would you speculate on how disastrous?

10, because treatment doesn't exist...

Also, Ive seen a few people speculate that it wouldnt do well here in the states due to it being from a tropical location. Any thoughts on that?

This virus requires people to spread. For instance, the Rhinovirus is prevalent everywhere on the planet.

Given the large number of variants (which is typically in nearly all viruses), it makes finding a one-size fits all vaccine difficult.

Also, Venezuela has had some interesting developments with 8 people dying from an 'acute febrile hemorrhagic syndrome' but denying it is ebola. Any thoughts on this given our southern border situation?

Could you provide a link to that article?
- Master of Science in Biology
- Bachelor of Science
bluH2Oman Author
9 years ago Edited: 9 years ago, bluH2Oman
Could you provide a link to that article?
Sure, here is the actual event page
and here is the page with three updates on the situation
Thank you so much for the replies to my questions duddy, I really appreiciate it. If I come across any other information I will post it here.
Post Merge: 9 years ago

Well I must say I certainly didnt expect this. I was browsing my local news for the day and ran across this gem. The article claims congo is a remote island, and that all the ebola cases are occuring there. The ship is out of Liberia. This is where I live. Im 25 miles from that boat.


Staff Member
9 years ago
Well I must say I certainly didnt expect this. I was browsing my local news for the day and ran across this gem. The article claims congo is a remote island, and that all the ebola cases are occuring there. The ship is out of Liberia. This is where I live. Im 25 miles from that boat.


"There is no evidence to suggest that the crew members traveled to, or had any contact with anyone from the remote island region of DRC where Ebola cases are occurring. Given this, the chance that the crew member could have Ebola is thought to be exceedingly low," the CDC stated.

You're living in Congo currently?
- Master of Science in Biology
- Bachelor of Science
bluH2Oman Author
9 years ago
No. The article is about a ship, with all crewmembers sick,one dead and in the port of new Orleans. ...where i live.
bluH2Oman Author
9 years ago
Well, here's an update. Looks like there is a confirmed case in Dallas, TX. 


Staff Member
9 years ago Edited: 9 years ago, Biology-Forums
Undecided I just read this headline too!

The United States has just confirmed its first case of Ebola. The outbreak is sweeping West Africa, and has sickened at least 6553 people and killed more than 3000 so far.
- Master of Science in Biology
- Bachelor of Science
9 years ago
Does anyone else have this belief that this is the works of bioterrorism?
bluH2Oman Author
9 years ago Edited: 9 years ago, bluH2Oman
I must admit, I do feel the people responsible for making sure this does not make a mess are out to lunch, almost complaisant
Post Merge: 9 years ago

Got a question. Having an ongoing conversation regarding this and cannot come to an agree or disagree. Can ebola in its inert form survive outside a host or reservoir say in the soil, water, on a tree etc? And, for what length of time could this occur? Cannot find any kind of literature on this.
Staff Member
9 years ago Edited: 9 years ago, Biology-Forums
Can ebola in its inert form survive outside a host or reservoir say in the soil, water, on a tree etc?

Ebola requires direct contact to spread. While other potential means of spread have been mentioned--droplet transmission, fomites--there is no real evidence supporting those means. People who are sick enough with Ebola to be shedding virus in fluids aren't going to be out riding buses and so forth--they are really, really sick..
- Master of Science in Biology
- Bachelor of Science
Staff Member
9 years ago Edited: 9 years ago, Biology-Forums
Does anyone else have this belief that this is the works of bioterrorism?

Possible. Could have been an underground project that went wrong. Many possibilities, but one thing is for sure, human negligence is always a common denominator..
- Master of Science in Biology
- Bachelor of Science
9 years ago
A lot less news coverage now... I wonder why Neutral Face
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