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beneruiz beneruiz
Posts: 1039
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6 years ago
A nurse counsels a couple on sex-linked disorders. Both the man and the woman are carriers of the disorder. They ask the nurse how this disorder will affect any children they might have. The nurse's best response is:
  1. If you have a daughter, she will not be affected.
  2. Your son will be affected, since the father has the disorder.
  3. There is a 25 chance that your son will have the disorder, since the mother has the disorder.
  4. There is a 50 chance that your son will be a carrier only.
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6 years ago
Rationale 1: There is a 50 chance that a carrier mother will pass the abnormal gene to each of her daughters, who will become carriers.
Rationale 2: Fathers affected with a sex-linked disorder cannot pass the disorder to their sons, but all their daughters become carriers of the disorder.
Rationale 3: Since it is sex-linked, there will be more than a 25 chance that a son would be a carrier only.
Rationale 4: There is a 50 chance that a carrier mother will pass the normal gene to each of her sons, who will be unaffected.
beneruiz Author
6 years ago
This helps so much, thank you for responding so quickly...
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