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cbouyer10@gmail cbouyer10@gmail
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6 years ago
Explain how a head table is set up.
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6 years ago
When the room is set with a head table, it should be set apart from and face the other tables. The front of the head table should always be covered with table skirting or draped tablecloth reaching approximately 2 inches above the floor.
If requested, a head table can be placed on a portable stage that is raised from 6 to 36 inches above the floor, depending upon the nature and circumstances of the event. There are occasions where the head table may be set apart from the other tables by an above average size centerpiece such as a tall floral arrangement, signifying the distinction of the table. This is often the case when a speaker podium is to be used. The table is set close to and off to one side of the podium allowing for speakers to easily come forward to the podium with the least amount of distraction.
6 years ago
Smiling Face with Glasses Feeling super confident now, ty
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