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nevada nevada
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13 years ago

i have to conduct a experiment for bio class
and write a laboratory report.
i dont know how to. the experiment is "does sugar dissolve quicker in hot or cold water"?
the hypothesis is yes.

what do i have to do after all of that?

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Staff Member
13 years ago
Hey nevada, let's do this step-by-step.

Firstly, your hypothesis is not "yes". A hypothesis is an educated guess. In terms of your experiment, it would be written like this:

Sugar will likely dissolve quicker in warm water than in cold water due to the increase in Brownian movement found in water that is heated. The more kinetic energy water molecules have, the more rapid the granule of sugar will break down into its molecular form.

Before we continue, what grade level is this for?
- Master of Science in Biology
- Bachelor of Science
nevada Author
13 years ago
bio 210 first year college
Staff Member
13 years ago
bio 210 first year college

Okay, next comes the introduction to your manuscript (write-up). Here, you basically take about the sugar molecule you used, the chemistry associated with heating up water, and what happens to the water molecules when they interact with the sugar. Should take you two paragraphs, tops.

Follow this link and download the attachment. Go through it and write-up your introduction. I will review it and give you more pointers.

- Master of Science in Biology
- Bachelor of Science
nevada Author
13 years ago
this is what i wrote

I have conducted an experiment of whether sugar will dissolve faster in hot or cold water. My hypothesis is that the sugar will most likely dissolve much faster in hot water than in cold water due to the Brownian movement.  The more kinetic energy water has, the more rapid sugar will break down to its molecular form. When heat is added to any substance the melting process will accelerate to a much faster rate.  For example if you put an ice cube into cold water and another into hot, the one in the hot water will undoubtedly melt at a faster pace.

so will this be consider the hypothesis or the introduction?

its a group thing.. and i was not there when they did the experiment, so all i know is that i have to write about " does sugar dissolve quicker in hot or cold water". thats all the info. i got from the group. and i have never done this before.

thank u very much for the help!
Staff Member
13 years ago
this is what i wrote

I have conducted an experiment of whether sugar will dissolve faster in hot or cold water. My hypothesis is that the sugar will most likely dissolve much faster in hot water than in cold water due to the Brownian movement.  The more kinetic energy water has, the more rapid sugar will break down to its molecular form. When heat is added to any substance the melting process will accelerate to a much faster rate.  For example if you put an ice cube into cold water and another into hot, the one in the hot water will undoubtedly melt at a faster pace.

so will this be consider the hypothesis or the introduction?

its a group thing.. and i was not there when they did the experiment, so all i know is that i have to write about " does sugar dissolve quicker in hot or cold water". thats all the info. i got from the group. and i have never done this before.

thank u very much for the help!

You mentioned melting. It has nothing to do with melting, so you have to use the term "dissolving". In your write-up, call the mixture of water and sugar a solution.The reason the hot water dissolves more is because it has faster moving molecules which are spread further apart than the molecules in the cold water. With bigger gaps between the molecules in the hot water, more sugar molecules can fit in between. Technically, your hypothesis should be incorporated into your introduction, but I think you have to write a little bit more; talk about what Brownian movement is and give general examples.

Do you have a list of things you have to accomplish?
- Master of Science in Biology
- Bachelor of Science
nevada Author
13 years ago Edited: 13 years ago, nevada
ok ..im gonna give it a try!

thank you once again!

it says on the paper
1. formulate a hypothesis
2. design and conduct an experiment to test your hypothesis
3. identify all the variables and controls in your experiment
4, present your results in the form of a table and a graph.
5. discuss the results and draw a conclusion
6. write a laboratory report
nevada Author
13 years ago
i was looking up the Brownian movement but i dont understand it fully, all i got out of it was that it is the random movement of particles suspended in a fluid or gas. can u give me a simpler def.

what do they mean is it suspended in a fluid or gas?

Staff Member
13 years ago
Brownian movement is zigzag, irregular motion exhibited by minute particles of matter when suspended in a fluid. This motion is caused by the constant activity of the molecules in the fluid around the particles. These molecules collide with one another and with the dispersed particles. When the fluid is heated, Brownian movement increases, because molecules move faster as the temperature rises.
- Master of Science in Biology
- Bachelor of Science
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