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Poll: Do you think more gun control will make the USA safer?
160 (58.4%)
93 (33.9%)
Not sure
21 (7.7%)
Total Voters: 274  
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bio_man bio_man
Posts: 33318
6 years ago
In light of the recent shooting that took place in Florida, many people believe that control will solve the problem. While I so feel more gun control is required to make America safer - especially since it holds the potential of preventing psychos and maniacs from getting their hands on one - I don't think guns are the only weapons of choice crazies use to hurt others. Take, for example, the Timothy McVeigh, who killed 168 people when he detonated a bomb or the terrorist in France who used a truck to run people over.

What are your thoughts on the matter?
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6 Replies

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5 years ago
I don't think so

Look at Canada, this year they've had the highest number of homicides caused by guns than ever before, and they have strict gun laws

then if you take those away, criminals will find another way to harm someone they don't like, like what you saw in France with the terror truck attack that killed countless innocent people
4 years ago
In light of the recent shooting that took place in Florida, many people believe that control will solve the problem. While I so feel more gun control is required to make America safer - especially since it holds the potential of preventing psychos and maniacs from getting their hands on one - I don't think guns are the only weapons of choice crazies use to hurt others. Take, for example, the Timothy McVeigh, who killed 168 people when he detonated a bomb or the terrorist in France who used a truck to run people over. What are your thoughts on the matter?

Gun control keeps weapons out of the hands of crazies how? We already have European style gun control in Democrat cities and states and there is no data whatsoever to suggest it reduces any crime.

All gun control does is reduce the self defense capability of law abiding citizens, something I will refuse to participate with.
4 years ago
☝ agreed, criminals don't need guns to kill people

does america have a system set in place to prevent accidental deaths from gun misuse?

i'm curious what the stats say about those deaths each year
bio_man Author
4 years ago Edited: 4 years ago, bio_man
Gun control keeps weapons out of the hands of crazies how? We already have European style gun control in Democrat cities and states and there is no data whatsoever to suggest it reduces any crime.

All decisions should be made with better statistics - no doubt. I think we can both agree that if guns are the weapon of choice for criminals, then something needs to be done to prevent these people from getting a hold of them.

As mentioned before, criminals with the intent to kill will find any means necessary to harm others, regardless of the tool. In addition, even with countries that outlaw their possession, criminals still manage to find them -- a good example of that is what happened in Nova Scotia 3 days ago.

I also believe that guns are an excellent tool to deter others from causing harm against you, especially for the safety of one's home. But how do we know how responsible these owners are? Have they been trained how to shoot, is it being stored out of harm's way, are the owners on any medication that are mood-changing (antidepressants)? These are questions that keep us up at night.
Trusted Member
3 years ago
What's the point of discussing this? I'm pretty sure that everyone who voted made their decision emotionally without even looking at the stats. "Safer" gun measures won't stop a madman from harming others -- take what happened to France, for example
3 years ago Edited: 3 years ago, Zlovespigs
I don't think that gun control will make the United States safer. Just look at the cities that have the strictest gun control laws like Baltimore and Chicago and look at the high rates of violence there. Gun control does nothing to keep criminals from getting their hands on them and just prevents innocent law-abiding citizens from protecting and defending themselves. John R. Lott's book "The War on Guns: Arming Yourself Against Gun Control Lies"  and Emily Miller's "Emily Gets Her Gun: But Obama Wants to Take Yours" really break these points down. Also, like you said, crazy deranged people who are intent on killing will use any weapon that they can get their hands on, even their own body parts. Do we implement fist control? Knife control? Truck control? High heel control? Vegetable control? And on and on. If politicians and activists are actually serious about saving lives and reducing violence, they should allow the populace to be armed, particularly vulnerable law abiding people, and focus on stopping the crimes before they happen, especially when there are tips. Before some of these school shootings (most of which occurred in gun free zones) the FBI received tips  about the attackers but failed to act on it (I think this is discussed in John R. Lott's book). Also, an armed law abiding citizen can stop a violent criminal and save lives (A list of incidents where this happened can be found in John R. Lott's book and in local media. The mainstream media, with some exceptions, generally does not report times when an armed law abiding citizen puts a stop to a violent crime or saves lives.
Post Merge: 3 years ago

I would add to my previous answer that I think it is understandable why people would want more gun control, particularly people who have been affected by gun violence. It is a very emotional  debate, a hard subject for a lot of people, and everyone wants to prevent a tragedy from happening. However, we can't let the debate become emotions based. It has to be factual, otherwise, we will end up with legislation and policies that A. doesn't stop violent criminals, which pro-Second Amendment and gun control advocates can probably agree needs to happen, or B. strips away people's freedom and makes us more vulnerable and more unsafe. I just think that a good portion of the gun control lobby has become very emotions based and hateful towards people who don't agree and to a certain extent, I think that some Second Amendment advocates aren't compassionate, advocate their cause the wrong way, or don't even try to understand where pro- gun control people are coming from. I don't think that either side should just give up on their principles, but they should understand the other side more and of course, there are a lot of good people on either side of the issue. Politicians and activists don't necessarily represent the neighbor across the street who is pro gun control or pro Second Amendment and normal everyday people aren't necessarily as ideological as politicians or activists.
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