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kenzz8 kenzz8
Posts: 533
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6 years ago
A war over control of the rules of the international system as whole is a hegemonic war.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false.

Why is drug trafficking considered an international security issue when other types of smuggling are not?
  A) It is illegal trade across international borders.
  B) It violates states' legal control of their borders.
  C) Military forces participate regularly in operations against heavily armed drug traffickers.
  D) Conflicts involve states on one side and nonstate actors on the other.

Which of the following statements describes an argument in favor of the position that a new Cold War will emerge between the United States and Russia?
  A) The United States is committed to NATO expansion that Russia considers a direct threat to its security.
  B) Strong Russian democracy creates tensions with the United States.
  C) Russia promotes good relations with U.S. allies and confronts U.S. enemies.
  D) Europe is divided in its support of either the U.S. or Russia.

The __________ are an historical example of the control of small islands causing potentially serious interstate territorial disputes.
  A) Spratly Islands
  B) Solomon Islands
  C) Marshall Islands
  D) Midway Islands

Which of the following is a reason why the control of small islands causes serious interstate territorial disputes?
  A) They add to the overall size of a country.
  B) They can provide strategic advantages to the state in control.
  C) They may contain important oceanic resources.
  D) They can provide forest rights to the state in control.
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6 years ago
Answer: TRUE

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Answer: C

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Answer: A

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Answer: A

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Answer: B
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6 years ago
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