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hobbydog25 hobbydog25
Posts: 602
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6 years ago
Describe the methods used to assess variable labor costs.
  What will be an ideal response?

Internal rate of return (IRR) measures the return in absolute dollars.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

The casino industry has grown rapidly over the last several years. As a result, it has changed in regards to all but which of the following:
  a. policies
  b. marketing strategies
  c. games
  d. procedures
  e. technologies

List the four key areas related to controlling food costs.
  What will be an ideal response?

Assets equal liabilities and equity.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

What are the secrets of the effective leader?
  What will be an ideal response?

How do we see well established, honest tour operators following these actions? Be specific.
  What will be an ideal response?

Common stock that was once issued by a corporation but later repurchased by the same corporation is called:
  a. preferred stock.
 b. common stock.
 c. a stock dividend.
  d. treasury stock.

Describe the steps needed to implement a foodservice cost control system.
  What will be an ideal response?

Currently, more casino resort hotels are realizing all of the following except:
  a. as long as people spend money, it really does not matter which venue they use
  b. the casino is no longer the biggest money maker
  c. people come to the casino for a variety of reasons, such as a meal, or shopping, and every department should be a profit center.
  d. casino resorts have become entertainment megaplexes
  e. at the end of the day, the money still goes into the same pocket.
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6 years ago
Operators seeking to manage and control variable labor costs can choose froma variety of assessment tools. These include the labor cost percentage, which isobtained by dividing the cost of labor by unit revenue achieved. Sales per laborhour is an assessment tool obtained by dividing total revenue achieved in adesignated time period by the number of labor hours used in that period.

Average wage per hour is calculated by dividing the cost of labor for a timeperiod by the number of labor hours used in the period. Covers per hour is anassessment tool calculated by dividing the number of covers (guests) served bythe number of labor hours used to serve the guests. Sales per hour is an assessmenttool obtained by dividing unit revenue by the number of employee hoursused to generate the revenue.

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The four key areas managers must address to control food-related costs arepurchasing, inventory management, product theft, and food production.The effective control of purchasing requires purchasing authority to rest withonly properly designated individuals. Deliveries of products should then bechecked against original purchase orders to ensure all items purchased havebeen delivered. As well, the vendor invoices to be paid for items purchasedmust be authorized prior to their payment and must be paid only once. Controlof inventory relates to minimizing loss due to improper storage techniques,ensuring proper stock rotation, and the regularly scheduled countingof inventory items. Minimizing theft requires managers to secure storage areasagainst potential theft by employees, vendors, and even customers. Productioncontrol requires that managers train their staff well in the production andportioning techniques that will minimize food loss and waste.

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 Have a compelling vision that speaks to the collective imagination

 Develop a creative strategy that is responsive to enemy strength

 Create a well rounded executive team

 Model excellence

 Encourage innovation

 Manage symbols to foster group identification

 Encourage and support followers

 Invest in training and development

 Consolidate gains

 Plan for succession

 Create mechanisms for effective organizational governance

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they establish brand names and reputations for reliable service; they affiliate with chains or consortiums; they offer guarantees backed up by programs organized through trade associations; they have programs to certify their professionals

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To implement a total cost control system managers take three important steps.In step 1, managers collect accurate sales and cost data. These historical dataare obtained from information contained in the operation's income statements(profit and loss reports, or P&Ls). Step 2 of the control process requiresmanagers to carefully monitor current sales and costs. They do so by recordingactual costs and conducting line item reviews that compare actual expenseswith budgeted or targeted expenses. Finally, in step 3, managers take correctiveaction, when needed, to implement operational changes that will bringcosts back in line with expectations and established goals.

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