Peripheral nations exploit semiperipheral nations.
Indicate whether this statement is true or false.
Single men have accounted for most of the increase in homelessness during the past decade.
Indicate whether this statement is true or false.
A continuous concentration of two or more cities and their suburban areas that have grown to create a connected urban area is referred to as a megalopolis.
Indicate whether this statement is true or false.
Two hundred years ago, nearly everyone in the United States lived in rural areas and worked in agricultural production.
Indicate whether this statement is true or false.
Select the best use of U-2 spy planes in the 21st century.
a. assassinating terrorists
b. delivering supplies to American troops
c. bombing the Soviet Union
d. surveillance in Iran
Select the scenario that best describes terrorism.
a. A man constantly insults his wife in public.
b. An employee threatens to shoot his boss if he does not give him a raise.
c. A deranged woman walks into a field and deploys a bomb that kills three cows.
d. A police officer shoots a woman who has drawn her weapon and is threatening him.
Why will the use of drones most likely increase in the 21st century?
a. Drones can speak multiple languages.
b. Drones can spy from space.
c. Drones are stealthy.
d. Drones are manufactured in the United States.
What is an example of new technology that has changed the nature of warfare?
a. hyper-intelligent projectiles
b. astronomical missiles
c. U-boat bombs
d. black powder
According to the text, why is technology significant in the context of war?
a. All soldiers must know how to deploy technologically advanced weapons.
b. War and the Space Race are inextricably interlinked.
c. Technology is used to raise money for the military.
d. War is conducted on the basis of technology that is available at the time.
According to Jennifer Turpin and Lester Kurtz, why are many people ambivalent about war?
a. They know war contributes to the economic well-being of their society.
b. They have seen violent movies and enjoyed them.
c. They believe the only way to fight violence is with more violence.
d. They have not evolved beyond the primal confrontations of their pre-human ancestors.