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glowupp glowupp
Posts: 555
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6 years ago
Your friend tells you that her baby was dubbed a blue baby by hospital staff and that it was born with a hole in its heart. Provide an explanation to your friend of this phenomenon.

(Question 2) The hormone called the hormone of pregnancy, inhibiting uterine contractions, is
 A) hCG.
  B) relaxin.
  C) placental lactogen.
  D) progesterone.
  E) luteinizing hormone.

(Question 3) Compare the hearts of a trained athlete and a nonathlete.

(Question 4) If fertilization occurs, the ________ is maintained because the embryo secretes ________.
 A) corpus albicans; human chorionic gonadotrophin
  B) corpus luteum; luteinizing hormone
  C) corpus cavernosum; human chorionic gonadotrophin
  D) corpus luteum; human chorionic gonadotrophin
  E) corpus albicans; placental prolactin

(Question 5) If a wound overwhelms the clotting mechanism and leads to serious hemorrhage and drop in blood pressure, what compensations does the body have to maintain cardiac output?

(Question 6) The hormone that increases the flexibility of the pubic symphysis during pregnancy is
 A) luteinizing hormone.
  B) progesterone.
  C) human chorionic gonadotropin.
  D) human placental lactogen.
  E) relaxin.

(Question 7) During exercise, the blood flow to the active skeletal muscles is increased by autoregulation. How does this work? What other controls on blood flow operate?

(Question 8) The placenta is a source of all of the following hormones, except
 A) hCG.
  B) relaxin.
  C) placental lactogen.
  D) progesterone.
  E) luteinizing hormone.

(Question 9) The median cubital vein is located at the
 A) anterior surface of the elbow.
  B) posterior surface of the elbow.
  C) anterior surface of the knee.
  D) posterior surface of the knee.
  E) posterior surface of the scapula.

(Question 10) Which of the following does not occur during pregnancy?
 A) A woman's respiratory rate and tidal volume increase.
  B) Maternal blood volume increases.
  C) Maternal nutrient requirements increase.
  D) A woman's glomerular filtration rate increases.
  E) A woman's bladder capacity increases.
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6 years ago
1) A fetus has reduced need for blood flow to the lungs, since the lungs are not yet functional in terms of gas exchange. A fetal modification called foramen ovale provides a direct connection between the right and left atria, thereby allowing blood to more directly enter the systemic circuit. If this bypass persists after birth, there is reduced systemic blood flow which results in cyanosis.

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2) D

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3) The athlete's heart will be larger and will have a higher resting stroke volume and a lower resting heart rate. During maximum activity, stroke volume will be much greater for the athlete, and cardiac output of the athlete may approach 30 liters/minute compared to 20 liters/minute of the nonathlete. Maximum heart rates will be about the same despite the much larger cardiac output, due to the larger stroke volume.

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4) D

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5) Acutely, the autonomic nervous system undergoes sympathetic activation. Epinephrine from the adrenal medulla supports the neural mechanisms. Heart rate and contractility are increased in trying to maintain cardiac output. Vasoconstriction increases peripheral resistance, raising blood pressure and redirecting flow to vital internal organs. Simultaneously, venoconstriction occurs, increasing venous return and forcing extra blood from the venous to the arterial side of the circulation. The endocrine system releases ADH, angiotensin II, and aldosterone, which act together to raise blood volume by reducing fluid loss at the kidney.

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6) E

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7) When a skeletal muscle becomes more active, it consumes oxygen and nutrients and releases carbon dioxide, waste products, and potassium ions. One effect of reduced oxygen is to cause the smooth muscle cells that block capillary blood flow, the precapillary sphincters, to relax. As these relax, the capillaries open and plasma and red cells can perfuse the active tissue. After recovery from exercise is complete, gases and metabolites return to normal and blood flow returns to its resting value. This local mechanism works along with central control of vasodilation by the sympathetic vasodilator fibers that appear to utilize nitric oxide (NO) as the transmitter substance.

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8) E

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9) A

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10) E
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