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dcrone dcrone
Posts: 556
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6 years ago
An immovable joint is a(n)
 A) synarthrosis.
  B) diarthrosis.
  C) amphiarthrosis.
  D) syndesmosis.
  E) symphysis.

(Question 2) The synarthrosis that binds the teeth to the bony sockets is a
 A) suture.
  B) gomphosis.
  C) synchondrosis.
  D) synotosis.
  E) syndesmosis.

(Question 3) Joints can be classified structurally as
 A) bony.
  B) fibrous.
  C) cartilaginous.
  D) synovial.
  E) All of the answers are correct.

(Question 4) To settle a bet, you need to measure the length of your lower limb (head of femur to distal end of tibia). What landmarks would you use to make the measurement?

(Question 5) A runner visits a podiatrist complaining of pain at the bottom of the foot. The podiatrist quickly notes that the patient has flatfeet and decides to take an x-ray of his foot. Explain what it means to have flatfeet. What are some possible consequences of flatfeet and why did the podiatrist take an x-ray? What treatments might the doctor recommend?

(Question 6) Describe the pelvic adaptations to childbearing in the female.

(Question 7) What is the distinction between the false pelvis and the true pelvis?

(Question 8) Why is it necessary for the bones of the pelvic girdle to be more massive than the bones of the pectoral girdle?

(Question 9) On a field trip you discover a skeleton with the following characteristics: the acetabulum is directed laterally, the ischial spine points medially, and the angle inferior to the pubic symphysis is less than 90 degrees. The long bones of the arms and legs are relatively light and show epiphyseal plates. This skeleton is probably from
 A) a young male.
  B) a young female.
  C) an elderly male.
  D) an elderly female.
  E) an infant male.

(Question 10) Which of the following is not an age-related change in the skeleton?
 A) closure of the fontanels
  B) bone remodeling
  C) reduction in mineral content
  D) appearance of major vertebral curves
  E) fusion of the coxal bones
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6 years ago
1) A

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2) B

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3) E

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4) You could feel the lesser sciatic notch, which is at the same level as the head of the femur. You could feel the medial malleolus of the tibia at the ankle.

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5) The normal arches in the foot are lower than normal because they have lost elasticity or didn't form correctly. When you stand normally the arches provide an elastic connection as the weight is transferred from the calcaneus to the metatarsals. The arches act as shock absorbers but when the arches are flat the load is distributed into the metatarsals causing pain. The patient may have a stress fracture of one of the metatarsals as a result of the stress of running with poor arches. The doctor would recommend wearing shoes with extra arch support.

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6) These include: an enlarged pelvic outlet, a broader pubic angle, less curvature on the sacrum and coccyx, wider and more circular pelvic inlet, a relatively broad pelvis that does not extend as far superiorly, and ilia that project farther laterally, but do not extend as far superior to the sacrum.

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7) The true pelvis encloses the pelvic cavity and its superior limit is a line that extends from either side of the base of the sacrum, along the arcuate line and pectineal line to the pubic symphysis. The false pelvis consists of the expanded, bladelike portions of each ilium superior to the pelvic brim.

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8) The pelvic girdle must withstand the load of bearing and moving the entire body whereas the pectoral girdle only supports the upper limbs.

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9) A

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10) B
dcrone Author
6 years ago
My teacher is very rude and likes to speed his way through a lesson without letting the class ask questions. Thank you for helping me. You're a life saver Slight Smile
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