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xoxololo xoxololo
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6 years ago
In the following PA radiograph of the thorax, the arrow points to:
  A) the stomach.
  B) the dome of the right hemidiaphragm.
  C) the 12th rib.
  D) the lower margin of the left lung.
  E) the lower margin of the right lung.

(Question 2) Which of the following is incorrect pertaining to the anatomy of the lung and/or pleura?
  A) The parietal pleural generally extends three ribs inferior to the lung.
  B) The bifurcation of the trachea occurs approximately at the level of the sternal angle.
  C) The right main bronchus is wider and more vertical than the left.
  D) Each main bronchus supplies a lung.
  E) The right lung has a horizontal fissure.

(Question 3) Which of the following is incorrect pertaining to the innervation of the lung or any part of the pleura?
  A) It receives both sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers.
  B) Cough reflex fibers (visceral afferents) accompany the vagus nerve.
  C) Pain fibers supplied by intercostal nerves.
  D) Pain can be referred to the shoulder.
  E) Intrinsic smooth muscle is supplied by phrenic nerve.

(Question 4) Which of the following pertaining to lung (bronchiogenic) carcinoma is least likely?
  A) a persistent cough
  B) spitting of blood (hemoptysis)
  C) metastasis to bronchopulmonary nodes
  D) enlarged supraclavicular nodes
  E) enlarged axillary nodes

(Question 5) Almost immediately following a compound fracture of the femur in an automobile accident, an otherwise healthy patient suffered severe respiratory distress and died. The most likely cause of death was:
  A) loss of blood.
  B) infection.
  C) pulmonary fat embolism.
  D) sympathetic overactivity.
  E) myocardial infarction.

(Question 6) Which of the following is incorrect pertaining to any bronchial artery or vein?
  A) drains to the azygos vein
  B) supplies lung tissue
  C) arises from the pulmonary trunk
  D) supplies the esophagus
  E) supplies visceral pleura

(Question 7) Which of the following is incorrect pertaining to bronchopulmonary segments?
  A) Each is separated from adjacent segments by visceral pleura.
  B) Each is supplied independently by a tertiary bronchus and tertiary branch of the pulmonary artery.
  C) Each is surgically resectable.
  D) Each is drained by intersegmental parts of the pulmonary veins that lie in the tissue between segments.
  E) There are approximately eight to ten in each lung.

(Question 8) Spread of bronchiogenic carcinoma to the bronchiomediastinal lymph nodes might be indicated by:
  A) loss of cough reflex.
  B) pleurisy.
  C) distorted and displaced carina.
  D) fluid sounds upon lung percussion.
  E) segmental atelectasis.

(Question 9) Which of the following is incorrect pertaining to the surface anatomy of the lungs?
  A) Typically, the right lung has three lobes, and the left lung has two.
  B) The lingula extends into and out of the costodiaphragmatic recess during respiration.
  C) Vascular and nervous structures enter each lung at its hilum.
  D) The apex of each lung is in contact with the diaphragm.
  E) The mediastinal surface of each lung is related to the heart and pericardium.

(Question 10) During auscultation of the lungs:
  A) it is normal to hear the sliding of the parietal and visceral layers of pleura.
  B) it is normal to hear the movement of the pleural fluid.
  C) pleural rub sounds indicate pleuritis or pleurisy.
  D) pleural rub sounds indicate a loss of negative pressure in the pleural cavity.
  E) pleural rub sounds indicate pneumonia.
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3 Replies

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6 years ago
1) Ans: B

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2) Ans: A

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3) Ans: E

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4) Ans: E

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5) Ans: C

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6) Ans: C

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7) Ans: A

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8) Ans: C

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9) Ans: D

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10) Ans: C
xoxololo Author
6 years ago
Confirmed correct!
6 years ago
Cool, thanks for replying back
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