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123123456 123123456
Posts: 619
Rep: 1 0
6 years ago
A patient admitted from the emergency department with transient ischemic attack (TIA) and a severe headache. Carotid arteriogram revealed the TIA was due to insufficiency of right carotid artery associated with severe hypertension. A bilateral carotid endarterectomy was performed, and the patient was discharged on the fifth postoperative day. The principal diagnosis code is __________.
 a. G45.1
  b. I10
 c. I77.1
 d. R51

(Q. 2) A patient was admitted following an attempted suicide. The patient ingested an unknown amount of diazepam. During inpatient hospitalization, the patient was treated with gastric lavage. The attending physician documented the following diagnoses on the face sheet: depression with anxiety, attempted suicide by ingestion of Valium and hypotension. The principal diagnosis code is __________.
 a. F32.9
 b. F34.1
 c. F41.9
 d. T42.4x2A

(Q. 3) The patient spontaneously delivered liveborn twins in her third trimester. Pregnancy was complicated by eclampsia through third trimester. The patient's postpartum course was unremarkable, and the patient's blood pressure returned to normal soon after delivery. The principal diagnosis code is __________.
 a. O15.03
 b. O30.003
  c. R56.9
 d. Z38.30

(Q. 4) A patient was admitted to the hospital following an automobile accident in which he suffered five closed fractured ribs on the right, which resulted in a right lung laceration. During hospitalization, the patient complained of chest pain. EKG was normal. The patient also complained of severe headaches. CT scan of the brain was negative. A chest tube was inserted for drainage, and the next day a thoracotomy was performed to close the lung laceration. The principal diagnosis code is __________.
 a. R07.89
 b. R51
 c. S22.41xA
  d. S27.331A

(Q. 5) A patient was admitted to the hospital in severe respiratory distress with an admitting diagnosis of rule out carcinoma of the lung.. The patient has had a long history of chronic obstructive bronchitis. After work-up and treatment, the patient was discharged. The attending physician documented the following diagnoses on the face sheet: chronic obstructive bronchitis and acute bronchitis due to pneumococcus, essential hypertension, arteriosclerotic heart disease. The following procedures were documented on the face sheet: bronchoscopy with biopsy. The principal diagnosis code is __________.
 a. B95.3
 b. C34.90
  c. J44.0
 d. I10

(Q. 6) When the word and is used as an ICD-10-PCS coding convention in the index or a table, it means __________.
 a. and
 b. and/or
  c. or
 d. with

(Q. 7) Each ICD-10-PCS character is associated with a(n) __________, which specifies information about the procedure performed.
 a. axis of classification
 b. coding convention
 c. official guideline
 d. prospective payment system

(Q. 8) The coder is not required to query the physician when the correlation between documentation and defined ICD-10-PCS terms is __________.
 a. clear
 b. invalid
 c. medically necessary
  d. undefined

(Q. 9) Any combination of values not contained in a single row of the ICD-10-PCS tables is __________.
 a. constant
 b. hierarchical
  c. invalid
 d. reported

(Q. 10) The columns in ICD-10-PCS tables contain __________ for the fourth through seventh characters.
 a. codes
 b. modifiers
  c. terms
 d. values
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