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Annmarie Annmarie
Posts: 559
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6 years ago
__________ the three documented elements that are all considered the building blocks for evaluation and management services: patient's personal sensation of the current health complaint, the status and function of the patient's body, as well as past medical history, genetic medical history, and/or any social habits that may impact the patient's health; objective clinical assessment of the patient's current health status at the time of the visit; and composite degree of risk posed to the patient by the chief complaint, the amount or complexity of data that must be reviewed by the physician, the as well as the risk posed by any proposed diagnostic or treatment options
  Fill in the blank with correct word.

(Q. 2) __________ documentation of the condition, illness, injury, complaint or other reason for which the patient has presented to the healthcare facility for the evaluation and management service
  Fill in the blank with correct word.

(Q. 3) Modifier 57 relates to major surgical procedures. Using gained knowledge and the CPT manual, compare and contrast modifier 57 with modifier 25. How can these two modifiers be clearly identified and what are the significant differences between these two modifiers?
  What will be an ideal response?

(Q. 4) Using gained knowledge and the CPT manual, explain why modifier 32 can help reflect the intent of an E/M service, as well as how modifier improves documentation of these performed E/M services. What are some circumstances when modifier 32 may be used?
  What will be an ideal response?

(Q. 5) Four different E/M modifiers have been discussed in Chapter 17, Modifiers: 24 25 32 57 Identify which of these E/M modifiers you find the easiest to understand.
  What will be an ideal response?

(Q. 6) Four different E/M modifiers have been discussed in Chapter 17, Modifiers: 24 25 32 57 Identify which of these E/M modifiers you find the MOST challenging.
  What will be an ideal response?

(Q. 7) Modifier 24 reflects the nature of the E/M. Modifier 25 has complex requirements. Using gained knowledge and the CPT manual, compare and contrast these two modifiers.
  What will be an ideal response?

(Q. 8) Physician X, a cardiothoracic surgeon working in Georgeville Surgery, performed a minor surgical procedure on Patient C on May 7th. On May 13th (six days later), Patient C presents to the Georgeville Surgery to see Physician M, a urinary surgeon for an issue with incontinence. Physician M would be considered the same physician as Physician X because both physicians are partners in the same clinic.
  Indicate whether this statement is true or false.

(Q. 9) Modifier 25 can be appended when a significant abnormality is identified during a preventive medicine service.
  Indicate whether this statement is true or false.

(Q. 10) When a minor elective surgery is recommended during an E/M service visit, modifier 25 should be appended, regardless of when it has scheduled or performed.
  Indicate whether this statement is true or false.
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