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miguelb80 miguelb80
Posts: 484
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6 years ago
_______ physical examination that follows the requirements listed in the 1997 Documentation Guidelines for documentation; includes an evidentiary checklist of anatomic, physiologic, and pathologic findings identified by bullets in the guidelines
  Fill in the blank with correct word.

(Q. 2) _______ an assessment of the scope of the patient's visual field
  Fill in the blank with correct word.

(Q. 3) _______ indicating the heartbeat has a regular rate and rhythm without any abnormal findings
  Fill in the blank with correct word.

(Q. 4) _______ the act of breathing air, which is made up of inspiration and exhalation; requires the functioning of the lungs, diaphragm, intercostal muscles, and other parts of the anatomy
  Fill in the blank with correct word.

(Q. 5) _______ the phrase used to identify the 14 different recognized body areas and organ systems that are included in the general multisystem physical examination in the 1997 Documentation Guidelines
  Fill in the blank with correct word.

(Q. 6) Which of the following BEST identifies the term organ system?
  A. The division of the human body into geographic sections, each of which contains different systems
  B. The division of a physical examination of one part of the body into documented results
  C. The division of the human body into separate anatomical systems, each of which operates for one specific physiologic function
  D. The division of the physical examination of several parts of the body into documented results according to the function of the body parts that were assessed

(Q. 7) Within the documentation of the E/M visit, where is the physical examination is MOST commonly located?
  A. In the beginning of the documentation, before the history
  B. In the middle of the documentation, after the history
  C. At the end of the documentation, to detail everything that has taken place in the E/M visit
  D. The physical examination is documented on a completely different form, separate from the history

(Q. 8) When used in documenting the physical examination, what does the term abnormal  suggest?
  A. That a specific part of the patient's body is not functioning as it should, or that something is wrong
  B. That a specific part of the patient's body is functioning normally, or that nothing is wrong
  C. That a specific part of the patient's body is functioning better than normal, thereby suggesting the patient is very health, which should be recorded
  D. That a specific part of the patient's body is asymptomatic

(Q. 9) What does the term head to heel refer to?
  A. Examination of the head and the heel only
  B. Examination of every part of the patient's anatomy except for the head
  C. Examination of the foot, used specifically by podiatrists
  D. Examination of the patient's entire body from the head all the way to the feet

(Q. 10) Which of the following BEST completes this sentence: In order to perform the physical examination of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, the physician must:
  A. physically shake hands with the patient before continuing.
  B. ask for written permission to continue.
  C. physically place the stethoscope against the patient's chest.
  D. ask the patient to respond to a series of questions.
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6 years ago
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