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lyss96 lyss96
Posts: 548
Rep: 1 0
6 years ago
In Ted Kennedy sponsored the 1975 Education for All Handicapped Children Act with the intent of the Federal government paying 80 of the cost of educating children with special needs while the state and locality paid the remaining 20.
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[Ques. 2] The National Defense Education Act and the Education of Mentally Retarded Children Act were both passed in 1958
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[Ques. 3] Following World War II the U.S. had not yet come out of the Depression and increasing the labor force with all the returning soldiers would have hurt the economy even more. As such, in 1944 Congress passed the GI Bill that allowed many veterans to go to college and delay their entry into the workforce.
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[Ques. 4] Not immune to the Great Depression, in 1935 Congress passed the Agricultural Adjustment Act, which set up what we know today as the School Lunch Act
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[Ques. 5] Following World War I many returning soldiers needed workplace skills. In turn, Congress passed the Smith Brothers Act in 1917
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[Ques. 6] Cubberleys pauper and parochial schools referred to basic schools for poor children and church-related private schools for wealthy children.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false.

[Ques. 7] Cubberleys good school conditions are mainly found in the northwest section of the U.S.
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[Ques. 8] Since education was not mentioned or prohibited in the first ten Amendments, education became a state function
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[Ques. 9] Today most states do not tax property to fund education because it is no longer a reasonable proxy for wealth; it is more of an indication of debt
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[Ques. 10] The Massachusetts Law of 1647 taxed property to fund education because property then was a reasonable proxy for wealth.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false.
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6 years ago
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