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nevinjoshy2001 nevinjoshy2001
Posts: 481
Rep: 1 0
6 years ago
A space station orbits the Earth with constant speed. What can be said about the space station's acceleration?
  1.It is zero because the space station moves with constant speed.
  2.It is greater than 9.8 m/s2 because the space station is moving so quickly.
  3.It is less than 9.8 m/s2 because the space station is so high above the Earths surface.
  4.It is equal to 9.8 m/s2.

[Ques. 2] A planet has 3 moons, all of equal mass. Moon 1 is in a circular orbit of radius r. Moon 2 is in a circular orbit of radius 2r, and moon 3 is in a circular orbit of radius 3r. The ratios of the gravitational force exerted by the planet on each of the moons, 1, 2, and 3 are ________ respectively.

[Ques. 3] The Earth remains in orbit about the Sun, rather than falling in to the Sun, because
  1.it is outside of the gravitational influence of the Sun.
  2.the net force on the Earth is zero.
  3.although the Earth is constantly being pulled toward the Sun, it is always moving with a velocity component perpendicular to the direction that it is being pulled.
  4.none of these apply.

[Ques. 4] A rigid object is rotating with an angular speed w > 0. The angular velocity vector w and the angular acceleration vector a are anti-parallel. The angular speed of the rigid object is
  1.clockwise and increasing.
  2.clockwise and decreasing.
  3.counterclockwise and increasing.
  4.counterclockwise and decreasing.

[Ques. 5] A pole-vaulter falls from a height of about 6.0 meters onto a foam rubber pad. Can you calculate his speed just before he reaches the pad? Can you calculate the force exerted on him by the pad?
  1.With the given information you can calculate his final speed and you can calculate the force that the pad exerts upon him.
  2.With the given information you cannot calculate his final speed but you can calculate the force that the pad exerts upon him.
  3.With the given information you can calculate his final speed but you cannot calculate the force that the pad exerts upon him.
  4.With the given information, you cannot calculate either his final speed nor the force that the pad exerts upon him.

[Ques. 6] You have a piece of clay and a rubber ball, both of the same mass. You want to close a door on the other side of the room by throwing either the clay or the rubber ball at the door. Assume that both would be thrown with the same speed and would impact the door at the same point on the door. With which would you be more likely to cause the door to close further?
  1.the rubber ball
  2.the clay ball
  3.Both would cause the door to close the same distance.
  4.It is impossible to tell.

[Ques. 7]

Two objects collide on a frictionless surface. If one had been at rest before the collision, is it possible for:
   (i) one object to be at rest after the collision?
   (ii) both objects to be at rest after the collision?

  1.(i) only
  2.(ii) only
  3.both (i) and (ii)
  4.neither (i) nor (ii)

[Ques. 8] You are at the leading end of a canoe and your friend is at the trailing end as the canoe is drifting along at a speed of v. You toss a backpack to your friend and he catches it. What is the canoe's speed after your friend catches the backpack compared to before you threw it? Ignore any friction effects between the canoe and the water.
  1.It is greater than v.
  2.It is less than v.
  3.It now has the same speed it had before the backpack was thrown.
  4.We cannot tell from the information given.

[Ques. 9] You are at the leading end of a canoe and your friend is at the trailing end while the canoe is drifting along at a speed v. You toss a backpack to your friend. While the backpack is in flight, what is the canoe's speed? Ignore any friction effects between the canoe and the water.
  1.It is greater than v.
  2.It is less than v.
  3.It maintains the same speed it had before the backpack was thrown.
  4.We cannot tell from the information given.

[Ques. 10] A small rubber ball is thrown at an initially stationary bowling ball on a frictionless surface. The rubber ball makes a one-dimensional elastic collision and bounces back along the same line. After the collision, compared to the bowling ball, the rubber ball has
  1.a larger magnitude of momentum and more kinetic energy.
  2.a smaller magnitude of momentum and less kinetic energy.
  3.a smaller magnitude of momentum and more kinetic energy.
  4.the same magnitude of momentum and more kinetic energy.
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