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tutubella tutubella
Posts: 544
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6 years ago
A container with a one-liter capacity at 27C is filled with helium to a pressure of 2.0 atm. (1 atm = 1.0  105 N/m2.) How many moles of helium does it hold?
 a. 0.041
  b. 0.081
  c. 0.45
  d. 0.90
  e. 1.0

[Ques. 2] What is the change in area (in cm2) of a 60.0-cm by 150-cm automobile windshield when the temperature changes from 0C to 36.0C. The coefficient of linear expansion of this glass is 9.0  106/C.
 a. 1.6
  b. 2.9
  c. 3.2
  d. 4.9
  e. 5.8

[Ques. 3] A beaker is filled to the 500-ml mark with alcohol. What increase in volume (in ml) does the beaker contain when the temperature changes from 5C to 30C? (Neglect the expansion of the beaker, evaporation of alcohol and absorption of water vapor by alcohol.) alcohol = 1.12  104/C
 a. 0.47
  b. 0.93
  c. 1.4
  d. 1.7
  e. 2.5

[Ques. 4] Death Valley in California receives many German tourists. When you convert a summer temperature reading of 130F to the Celsius scale they use at home, you find that the Celsius temperature is about
 a. 26C.
  b. 54C.
  c. 72C.
  d. 176C
  e. 327C.

[Ques. 5] A temperature difference of 9.0 Celsius degrees is equal to a Fahrenheit temperature difference of
 a. 5.0 Fahrenheit degrees.
  b. 9.0 Fahrenheit degrees.
  c. 16 Fahrenheit degrees.
  d. 37 Fahrenheit degrees.
  e. 41 Fahrenheit degrees.

[Ques. 6] A bowling ball-size probe from a spaceship and a pebble-size object land on a large asteroid that is far from any star. After a long period of time has passed, it is highly probable that the pebble and the probe
 a. have each had the same change in temperature.
  b. have each had the same change in volume.
  c. are in thermal equilibrium with one another.
  d. are not in thermal equilibrium with one another.
  e. are in thermal equilibrium with one another, but are not at the same temperature.

[Ques. 7] Two identical containers, A and B, hold equal amounts of the same ideal gas at the same Po, Vo and To. The pressure of A then decreases by a half while its volume doubles; the pressure of B doubles while its volume decreases by a half. Which statement correctly describes the temperatures of the gases after the changes?
 a. TA = 0.5TB = To.
  b. TB = 0.5TA = To.
  c. TB = TA = To.
  d. TA = 2TB = To.
  e. TB = 2TA = To.

[Ques. 8] A scuba diver has his lungs filled to half capacity (3 liters) when 10 m below the surface. If the diver holds his breath while quietly rising to the surface, what will the volume of the lungs be (in liters) at the surface? Assume the temperature is the same at all depths. (The density of water is 1.0  103 kg/m3.)
 a. 5.9
  b. 4.5
  c. 6.4
  d. 3.9
  e. 3.1

[Ques. 9] A bubble having a diameter of 1.00 cm is released from the bottom of a swimming pool where the depth is 5.00 m. What will the diameter of the bubble be when it reaches the surface? The temperature of the water at the surface is 20.0C, whereas it is 15.0C at the bottom. (The density of water is 1.00  103 kg/m3.)
 a. 1.05 cm
  b. 1.15 cm
  c. 1.45 cm
  d. 1.65 cm
  e. 1.35 cm

[Ques. 10] A helium-filled balloon has a volume of 1 m3 . As it rises in the earth's atmosphere, its volume expands. What will its new volume be (in m3) if its original temperature and pressure are 20C and 1 atm, and its final temperature and pressure are 40C and 0.1 atm?
 a. 4
  b. 6
  c. 8
  d. 10
  e. 1.5
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6 years ago
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6 years ago
Thank you so much for the answer
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