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jihuygu jihuygu
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6 years ago
A 32-year-old man, Mike Anderson, is 6 feet tall, weighs 200 pounds and is in very good physical condition. He is waiting for the bus at a busy urban street corner. An 18-year-old man, John Jackson, is 5 feet 8 inches tall and weighs 150 pounds. Jackson intends to attempt a strong-arm robbery. He walks up to Mr. Anderson and demands his wallet. Mr. Anderson ignores Jackson who says, Look man, if you don't give me your wallet, I'm going to kick your butt Mr. Anderson replies, Go away, before you get hurt. Jackson shoves Mr. Anderson and attempts to push him down. Mr. Anderson responds by pushing Jackson down to the ground, then jumps on top of him and repeatedly punches Jackson in the head until he is bleeding profusely and loses consciousness. Jackson's injuries include a severe concussion, two lacerations over three inches long that require stitches, and the loss of two teeth.
  What is the law regarding self-defense in this situation?
  A) Mr. Anderson is entitled to use whatever force he believes the attacker deserves.
  B) Since Jackson started the incident and was involved in a criminal act, Mr. Anderson was entitled to use the amount of force in this situation.
  C) An act of unlawfulness, in this case, attempted robbery, allows a victim to use any amount of force to stop the unlawful act.
  D) Mr. Anderson was only entitled to use a reasonable amount of force and he exceeded that which is allowed by a claim of self-defense.

(Question #2) A 32-year-old man is at a High School football game with his wife and two children. He is the father of a player and is cheering for the home team. Another parent from opposing team is upset that the home team parent is cheering too loudly.
  The visiting parent tells the man, Knock it off We're trying to enjoy the game The home team parent ignores the comment and continues to cheer loudly. The visiting parent then stands up, clenches his fists and says to the home team parent as he is charging towards the home team parent, I told you to shut up Now I'm going to shut you up but putting my fist in your mouth
  The home team father sees the other man approaching him with clenched fists and hears the threat. Before the visiting father has a chance to strike, the home team father punches the visiting father in the face and knocks him down. Police arrive immediately thereafter.
  What crime has the visiting team father committed?
  A) Simple assault
  B) Aggravated assault
  C) Stalking
  D) No crime was committed by the visiting team father.

(Question #3) A 32-year-old man is at a High School football game with his wife and two children. He is the father of a player and is cheering for the home team. Another parent from opposing team is upset that the home team parent is cheering too loudly.
  The visiting parent tells the man, Knock it off We're trying to enjoy the game The home team parent ignores the comment and continues to cheer loudly. The visiting parent then stands up, clenches his fists and says to the home team parent as he is charging towards the home team parent, I told you to shut up Now I'm going to shut you up but putting my fist in your mouth
  The home team father sees the other man approaching him with clenched fists and hears the threat. Before the visiting father has a chance to strike, the home team father punches the visiting father in the face and knocks him down. Police arrive immediately thereafter.
  What crime has the home team father committed?
  A) Simple assault
  B) Aggravated assault
  C) Stalking
  D) No crime was committed by the home team father.

(Question #4) John is in a bar with some friends. After having a few drinks, John talks to a woman sitting at a table with a couple of other women. Later, John walks to the restroom and accidently trips, pushing the woman he was talking with earlier. The woman is knocked to the floor and sustains a bloody nose.
  What crime has the John committed?
  A) Disorderly conduct
  B) Aggravated assault
  C) Simple assault
  D) There is no crime.

(Question #5) Aggravated assault is usually committed with a weapon or by some means likely to produce great bodily harm or death. How is great bodily harm defined?
  A) Injuries that include a laceration that requires stitches, or a broken bone, or a fracture of a tooth
  B) Injuries that cause a high probability of death, or serious permanent disfigurement, or a loss or impairment of body members or organs
  C) Injuries that cause pain, bruising, or other effects that temporality affect the function of a person's mobility.
  D) All of the above are included in the definition of great bodily harm.

(Question #6) According to Hazelwood and Burgess, the use of force may include which of the following levels of severity?
  A) Reassurance, power, anger, excitation
  B) Simple, aggravated, domestic, sexual
  C) Restrained, mutual, intimate, submission
  D) Minimal, moderate, excessive, brutal

(Question #7) Hector steps out of a side alley and stops a passing woman by grabbing her arm. He thenn speaks to her in a threatening manner for approximately one minute before pushing her to the ground and raping her. Which method of approach has Hector used?
  A) Blitz approach
  B) Surprise approach
  C) Con approach
  D) Brutal approach
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6 years ago
1)  Answer: D

2)  Answer: A

3)  Answer: D

4)  Answer: D

5)  Answer: B

6)  Answer: D

7)  Answer: B
jihuygu Author
6 years ago
I can't even begin to explain how much your help meant to me.
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