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vgrdiver vgrdiver
Posts: 527
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6 years ago
Why have China and India received so much international attention and investment?
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 2 - The graph above shows a small country that can import at the world price of Pw. Suppose that the government imposes a tariff of T per unit (and suppose that this does not raise the domestic price so much that there will be no trade. Use the graph above to illustrate the effects of the tariff. Show the new areas of consumer surplus, producer surplus, and government revenue, and the deadweight losses due to the tariff. Who wins and who loses from the tariff?
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 3 - China's economy did not decline at all during its transition from communism to capitalism.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Question 4 - Carefully explain how the imposition of a tariff is different for a large country (that can affect the world price) than a small country.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 5 - China's economy was much more agricultural than Russia's, and observers believe this aided its economic transition.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Question 6 - Carefully explain why tariffs create deadweight losses.
  What will be an ideal response?
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6 years ago
[ 1 ]  The potential future market size in China and India is huge, even if only a small percentage of people make it into the middle class.

[ 2 ]  See Figure 6.3 in the text. Consumer surplus decreases, producer surplus and government revenue increase, and total surplus falls, since there are deadweight losses. Consumers lose, producers and the government win, and the country as a whole loses (since there are deadweight losses).

[ 3 ]  TRUE

[ 4 ]  For a small country, imposition of a tariff unambiguously reduces total benefits to the country. For a large country, the effect is less clear. Since a large country can have an impact on the world price, the reduction in domestic demand due to the tariff may be sufficiently large to cause the world price to fall or to encourage foreign producers to reduce their prices to avoid losing market share. In this case, while domestic producers still gain and domestic consumers still lose, the overall benefits to the country may or may not fall. If the fall in the world price is sufficient, foreign producers are essentially paying for much of the tariff in the form of lower prices, and this gain may exceed the deadweight losses.

[ 5 ]  TRUE

[ 6 ]  Tariffs reduce domestic consumption and increase domestic production. This means that some consumers that value this good more than its cost are not able to purchase it, which reduces consumer surplus without benefitting anyone. Likewise, domestic producers increase their production, but their costs are higher than world costs. Thus that additional cost of production does not benefit the producers; it is simply a waste of resources.
vgrdiver Author
6 years ago
Great answer!
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