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Annmarie Annmarie
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6 years ago
Why are the terms car dependent and urban sprawl used to describe our current suburban lifestyle and urban layout?
  What will be an ideal response?

Q. 2 - How did the structure of cities begin to change after World War II? What factors were responsible for the change?
  What will be an ideal response?

Q. 3 - Use the Web to evaluate the work of FEWS NET (www.fews.net) and the GIEWS (http://fao.org/GIEWS). How do these organizations function in bringing aid to people with the greatest need?
  What will be an ideal response?

Q. 4 - What are two things governments can to do help rural areas?
  What will be an ideal response?

Q. 5 - Calculate your food footprint by looking for one of several Web sites where this is calculated. Usually it gives a value of either the land or ocean area required to sustain you or, in some cases, your carbon dioxide production.
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6 years ago
(Answer to question 1 )  In suburban layout, houses are spread apart; stores are away from housing; schools may be distant from housing; work sites are not near homes; and roads, many roads, connect everything. The distances from schools, housing, work, and shopping are great. To get from one place to another, a person needs to use a car; it is not possible to walk because of distances and lack of sidewalks and pedestrian-friendly locations. Time, not distance, is the limiting factor in a suburb because of cars and the highways built for them.

(Answer to question 2 )  Cities began to expand into suburbs where people had larger houses and larger yards. Roads became more numerous and stores were grouped together rather than scattered within the housing area. Since World War II more and more people have purchased automobiles and have driven ever-increasing numbers of miles per year. Starting in the mid-1950s, we have built an endless number of miles of roads to accommodate the automobile. Cars and roads made urban sprawl possible because people could move from cities and still get to their jobs. People moved from the cities because the surroundings were not perceived to be pleasant. In the process of exurban migration, people moved residences and shopping areas and jobs moved with them. Because the causes of urban blight have not been addressed, these new suburbs decay and people move again.

(Answer to question 3 )  These organizations provide information about where food emergencies are happening in the world, along with information about where emergency food aid might be needed in the near and more distant future. By providing information about food emergencies, aid can be directed to where it is needed the most.

(Answer to question 4 )  If governments are willing to increase access to health care and education for people living in rural areas, then individuals who grow up in rural areas will have more reason to stay in the area and start their families.

(Answer to question 5 )  A typical American diet (including vegetarian) will have more protein than considered nutritionally necessary. It is also likely that some vitamins and minerals will be too low, especially calcium for women. The caloric intake is likely to be higher than necessary to maintain an ideal body weight. This later issue is becoming a larger and larger problem within the college-age group.
Because keeping a food diary can influence dietary decisions, it could be useful to discuss this effect on the results of the students' evaluation of their diets. Most individuals will change what they eat because they don't want to write down that they have eaten something that nutritionists would say they shouldn't eat. For example, a person might typically eat a large pizza or a gallon of ice cream by himself or herself but won't eat these things if someone is going to know about it.
Annmarie Author
6 years ago
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