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madisenjames madisenjames
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6 years ago
Give three ethical principles that can be brought to bear on the perfect moral storm.
  What will be an ideal response?

Q. 2 - How do land trusts work, and what roles do they play in preserving natural lands?
  What will be an ideal response?

Q. 3 - How did the 1996 and 2006 Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Reauthorization Act change the original Magnuson-Stevens Act?
  What will be an ideal response?

Q. 4 - What are the four effects of climate change that we are already seeing in the United States?
  What will be an ideal response?

Q. 5 - What is a representative concentration pathway? How does the +2.6 compare with the +8.5?
  What will be an ideal response?

Q. 6 - What is the global pattern of exploitation of fisheries? Compare the yield of capture fisheries with that of aquaculture.
  What will be an ideal response?
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6 years ago
(Answer to question 1 )  (1) Climate change is a global storm,' one where the wealthy nations are able to shape what is done about it, possibly to the detriment of the poorer nations; (2) it is also an intergenerational storm, where the present generation has the power to affect future generations, who have no voice in the matter; (3) and third it is a theoretical storm, in that the climate change threat is unprecedented and lacks adequate moral theories to give guidance for appropriate actions. The precautionary principle, the polluter pays principle, and the equity principle are three ethical principles that speak to the moral issues.

(Answer to question 2 )  A private land trust is a nonprofit organization that will accept either outright gifts of land or easements, which are arrangements in which the landowner gives up development rights into the future, but retains ownership of the parcel. The land trust may also purchase land to protect it from development.
Land trusts are proving to be a vital link in the preservation of ecosystem. The land trusts are serving the common desires of landowners and rural dwellers to preserve the sense of place that links the present to the past. At the same time, the undeveloped land remains in its natural state, sustaining the natural population and promising to do so into the future.

(Answer to question 3 )  The Magnuson-Stevens Act was amended in 1996 and again in 2006 to promote more sustainable fishing, including calling for better protection of habitat and promoting catch and release fishing.

(Answer to question 4 )  The average U.S. temperature has risen, we have seen an increase in precipitation, we are seeing changes in the ways that snow melts through the winter seasons, and we are having heat waves with associated droughts.

(Answer to question 5 )  In IPCC AR5, researchers investigated scenarios representing four different sets of assumptions about the level of anthropogenic emissions. These scenarios, called representative concentration pathways (RPCs), projected significantly different levels of radiative forcing by the year 2100. See Figure 18-17 for a comparison of +2.6 and +8.5 +2.6 represents what would happen if we curb greenhouse gas emissions immediately and +8.5 assumes that we continue with our current population growth rate and do not change our use of technology.

(Answer to question 6 )  The harvest has increased remarkably since 1950, when it was just 20 million metric tons. By 2003 it had reached 132 million metric tons. Aquaculture accounted for 41.9 million tons, or 32 of the world fish supplies that year. Based on the trends shown in the figure, the capture' fisheries leveled off in the 1990s, and the continued rise in fish production is due to aquaculture.
madisenjames Author
6 years ago
Good timing, thanks!
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