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123kduncan 123kduncan
6 years ago
The most appropriate method for opening the airway of an awake patient with a fractured man-dible is which of the following?
  a. Chin lift c. Guedel airway
  b. Jaw thrust d. Sniffing position

Q. 2  Which of the following statements is true concerning the sniffing position?
  a. It is the best position for oral intubation.
  b. It is indicated when a patient is vomiting.
  c. It is used for an unstable cervical spine injury.
  d. It is contraindicated for temporomandibu-lar joint disease.

Q. 3  Elevating the head and extending the neck describes which of the following?
  a. The position for transtracheal invasive airway insertion
  b. The position for a nasopharyngeal airway insertion
  c. A maneuver called the jaw thrust or chin lift
  d. A maneuver called the sniffing position

Q. 4  A patient is being administered supplemental oxygen with a 40 air-entrainment mask being powered with a flow of 6 L/min. The manufacturer recommends a flow of 4 L/min. Which of the following will occur with this change?
  1. There will be an increase in the delivered FIO2.
  2. There will be an increase in the total flow.
  3. There will be a decrease in the total flow.
  4. There will be no change in the FIO2.
  a. 1, 2 c. 3, 4
  b. 2, 4 d. 1, 3

Q. 5  A patient is receiving supplemental oxygen at a flow of 4 L/min. Assessment reveals that there is clouding of the mask. What step should be taken to resolve this situation?
  a. Change to a nasal cannula at 2 L/min.
  b. Increase the flow to 5 L/min.
  c. Change to a 50 air-entrainment mask.
  d. Increase the flow to 10 L/min.

Q. 6  A 45-year-old man had a deep sea diving accident recently and developed air emboli. Which type of therapy should the therapist recommend at this time?
  a. Nitric oxide therapy c. Hyperbaric therapy
  b. Heliox therapy d. Aerosol therapy

Q. 7  The partial pressure of alveolar oxygen (PAO2) when the atmospheric pressure is 3 atmospheric pressure (atm), the PACO2 is 40 mm Hg, and the FIO2 is 0.80 is _____ mm Hg.
  a. 2280 c. 1736
  b. 1784 d. 1500
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6 years ago
(Answer to Q. 1)  ANS: D
The chin lift and jaw thrust are contraindicated in the case of a fractured mandible. Use of any of the oropharyngeal airways might cause gagging or vomiting in patients who are awake.

(Answer to Q. 2)  ANS: A
The jaw thrust is the maneuver used to intubate a patient with an unstable cervical spine injury. The presence of temporomandibular joint disease can be an indication of a difficult intubation, but it is not a contraindication for the sniffing position. When a patient is vomiting, his head should be turned to one side to prevent aspiration.

(Answer to Q. 3)  ANS: D
Transtracheal invasive airway insertion is a procedure that involves the surgical placement of a catheter through the airway and does not require extension of the neck. For nasopharyngeal air-way insertion, the head and neck do not need to be adjusted. The jaw thrust or chin lift is used if the neck is not able to be extended because of cervical spine injuries.

(Answer to Q. 4)  ANS: B
The total flow from an air-entrainment mask will increase as the oxygen flow rate is increased. As long as the air:oxygen ratio is not changed, there will be no changes in the delivered FIO2.

(Answer to Q. 5)  ANS: B
The clouding of the mask shows there is CO2 retention in the mask. The minimum flow for a simple mask is 5 L/min. The other options would result in significant changes in the delivered FIO2.

(Answer to Q. 6)  ANS: C
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy exposes patients to a pressure greater than atmospheric pressure while they breathe 100 oxygen either continuously or intermittently. The effects on lung volume can be explained by Boyle's law, which states that if the temperature of a gas remains constant, the volume of a gas is inversely related to its pressure. That is, as the pressure exerted on the contain-er increase, the gas volume decreases. Thus when a person is exposed to elevated pressures, the gas volume contained in any body cavity tends to be compressed.

(Answer to Q. 7)  ANS: C
PAO2 = (Pbar  PH2O) FIO2  PaCO2  0.8; Pbar = 3 atm  760 = 2280 mm Hg.
PAO2 = (2280  47)0.8  40  0.8.
PAO2 = 1786.4  50 = 1736.4 mm Hg.
123kduncan Author
6 years ago
This helps so much, thank you for responding so quickly...
6 years ago
No worries, I was online and bored Grinning Face with Smiling Eyes
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