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michaelmorris17 michaelmorris17
Posts: 544
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6 years ago
King Hieron of ancient Syracuse suspected that a goldsmith had not made his
  crown of pure gold as instructed. He asked the scientist Archimedes to find out the truth
  without damaging the crown. Archimedes wasn't sure how to do this at first, but one
  day, while at the public baths, he noticed that the deeper he descended into the bathtub,
  the more water flowed over the edge. He suddenly realized that he could solve the
  problem of the king's crown. He was so excited by his discovery that he ran naked
  through the street, shouting Eureka Eureka a Greek word which means I've found
  Archimedes, the greatest scientist and mathematician of antiquity, immersed the
  crown in a container that was completely full of water and collected the water that
  overflowed. When he placed a lump of pure gold equal to the weight of the crown in
  the water, a lesser amount of water overflowed. Thus Archimedes concluded that the
  goldsmith had substituted some gold with a metal of lesser weight, such as silver.
  After he helped the king, Archimedes used his experience to come up with a new scientific
  law: An object floats only if it weighs less than the water it displaces. What level of the
  taxonomy did he use?
  a. Level 2: Understanding
  b. Level 3: Applying
  c. Level 4: Analyzing
  d. Level 5: Evaluating
  e. Level 6: Creating

Ques. 2

If your purpose is to __________, your goal is to convince your readers to change a belief or a
  Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Ques. 3

King Hieron of ancient Syracuse suspected that a goldsmith had not made his
  crown of pure gold as instructed. He asked the scientist Archimedes to find out the truth
  without damaging the crown. Archimedes wasn't sure how to do this at first, but one
  day, while at the public baths, he noticed that the deeper he descended into the bathtub,
  the more water flowed over the edge. He suddenly realized that he could solve the
  problem of the king's crown. He was so excited by his discovery that he ran naked
  through the street, shouting Eureka Eureka a Greek word which means I've found
  Archimedes, the greatest scientist and mathematician of antiquity, immersed the
  crown in a container that was completely full of water and collected the water that
  overflowed. When he placed a lump of pure gold equal to the weight of the crown in
  the water, a lesser amount of water overflowed. Thus Archimedes concluded that the
  goldsmith had substituted some gold with a metal of lesser weight, such as silver.
  Which of the following levels would you be using if you examined the events of the story,
  a. Level 2: Understanding
  b. Level 3: Applying
  c. Level 4: Analyzing
  d. Level 5: Evaluating
  e. Level 6: Creating

Ques. 4

Another word for topic is ___________.
  Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Ques. 5

King Hieron of ancient Syracuse suspected that a goldsmith had not made his
  crown of pure gold as instructed. He asked the scientist Archimedes to find out the truth
  without damaging the crown. Archimedes wasn't sure how to do this at first, but one
  day, while at the public baths, he noticed that the deeper he descended into the bathtub,
  the more water flowed over the edge. He suddenly realized that he could solve the
  problem of the king's crown. He was so excited by his discovery that he ran naked
  through the street, shouting Eureka Eureka a Greek word which means I've found
  Archimedes, the greatest scientist and mathematician of antiquity, immersed the
  crown in a container that was completely full of water and collected the water that
  overflowed. When he placed a lump of pure gold equal to the weight of the crown in
  the water, a lesser amount of water overflowed. Thus Archimedes concluded that the
  goldsmith had substituted some gold with a metal of lesser weight, such as silver.
  One student reads the story and says to another, Archimedes discovered that water could be
  used to measure the amount of space an object takes up. Which level of Bloom's taxonomy
  is the student using?
  a. Level 1: Remembering
  b. Level 2: Understanding
  c. Level 3: Applying
  d. Level 4: Analyzing
  e. Level 5: Evaluating

Ques. 6

Your ___________ for writing is the goal you are trying to achieve.
  Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Ques. 7

Following is a list of titles for magazine articles. Circle the question that would most likely be
  answered by the main ideas in the article.
  Guantanamo: Behind the Official Story
  a. What events are portrayed in the official story of Guantanamo?
  b. For what reason is Guantanamo in the news so much?
  c. What secret activities happen at U.S. offshore detention camps?
  d. What events at Guantanamo differ from the official story?

Ques. 8

Writers must consider readers' ______________, such as their age, marital status, and gender.
  Fill in the blank(s) with correct word
Read 34 times
2 Replies

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6 years ago
(Answer to Q. 1)  e

(Answer to Q. 2)  persuade

(Answer to Q. 3)  c

(Answer to Q. 4)  subject

(Answer to Q. 5)  b

(Answer to Q. 6)  purpose

(Answer to Q. 7)  d

(Answer to Q. 8)  characteristics
6 years ago
So very smart
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