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123kduncan 123kduncan
6 years ago
Mom asked us if we put on sunscreen while we were getting ready to go to the public pool. I know I had.
  I always make sure that I use it on any part of me that is exposed, since I tend to burn if I don't. We all
  have fair skin in my family. I was just getting my beach bag together when I heard my brother also tell
  mom that he did put sunscreen on. Great We were finally going to the pool. I couldn't wait to meet up
  with my friend Rachel. All of us had a nice time. We ate lunch at the snack bar and didn't go home until
  just before dinner. I heard my brother moan a bit afterward. He was beet red and looking for the aloe
  lotion. He did get a sunburn on most of his body. I teased him since I did not get burned.
  Why do you think her brother has a sunburn?
  a. He never really put sunscreen on.
  b. He was out in the sun longer than his sister.
  c. He had a sunburn before he went to the pool.

Ques. 2

Henry heard a scratching noise when he woke up. At first he thought it might be one of his young
  children. Though, when he checked their bedrooms, all of them were fast asleep. He then listened to the
  walls, but it sounded like the noise was coming from above the room. Henry walked up into the attic and
  heard the sound as if an animal were scurrying away. He thought he caught a glimpse of a gray bushy tail
  before it disappeared into a dark corner. He also noticed a pile of nuts and leaves.
  Why was the squirrel in the attic?
  a. It made its home there.
  b. A child had put it there.
  c. It was caught in a trap.

Ques. 3

Henry heard a scratching noise when he woke up. At first he thought it might be one of his young
  children. Though, when he checked their bedrooms, all of them were fast asleep. He then listened to the
  walls, but it sounded like the noise was coming from above the room. Henry walked up into the attic and
  heard the sound as if an animal were scurrying away. He thought he caught a glimpse of a gray bushy tail
  before it disappeared into a dark corner. He also noticed a pile of nuts and leaves.
  What do you think caused the scratching noise?
  a. one of Henry's children
  b. a dog
  c. a squirrel

Ques. 4

In her senior year of high school, the teacher, Mr. Romig, passed out a textbook to everyone. He asked the
  class to please go through the book and erase any pencil marks they notice, and directed everyone to write
  their name in the front cover of the book. Laura gasped, because several spaces above the first empty line,
  she saw her brother's name. Her brother Chris is six years older than her. She couldn't believe it, and
  wasn't surprised that the binding was loose.
  What condition is her textbook?
  a. great
  b. good
  c. coming apart

Ques. 5

In her senior year of high school, the teacher, Mr. Romig, passed out a textbook to everyone. He asked the
  class to please go through the book and erase any pencil marks they notice, and directed everyone to write
  their name in the front cover of the book. Laura gasped, because several spaces above the first empty line,
  she saw her brother's name. Her brother Chris is six years older than her. She couldn't believe it, and
  wasn't surprised that the binding was loose.
  What can you infer about the textbook's age?
  a. It was brand new.
  b. It was at least six years old.
  c. It was just a couple of years old.

Ques. 6

Read the passages and answer the questions that follow each reading. Choose the correct letter.
  She took a walk to Dimmick Park with her friend Sue. Even though she had her leather coat and boots on,
  she regretted not bringing her hat and gloves. The trees were barren and Christmas decorations still
  adorned the houses on Walnut Street.
  How was the weather?
  a. hot
  b. moderate
  c. cold

Ques. 7

Read the passages and answer the questions that follow each reading. Choose the correct letter.
  She took a walk to Dimmick Park with her friend Sue. Even though she had her leather coat and boots on,
  she regretted not bringing her hat and gloves. The trees were barren and Christmas decorations still
  adorned the houses on Walnut Street.
  What time of year does this story take place?
  a. winter
  b. fall
  c. summer

Ques. 8

Read the passages and answer the questions that follow each reading. Choose the correct letter.
  Rosemary lives near a fraternity house for a local university. She suffers from insomnia and it doesn't
  help when she hears yelling, laughter, and loud rock music far into the night. She also is sick of picking
  up the empty bottles and garbage in her yard.
  How does Rosemary feel about the fraternity house next door?
  a. happy
  b. angry
  c. confused
Read 68 times
3 Replies

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6 years ago
(Answer to Q. 1)  a

(Answer to Q. 2)  a

(Answer to Q. 3)  c

(Answer to Q. 4)  c

(Answer to Q. 5)  b

(Answer to Q. 6)  c

(Answer to Q. 7)  a

(Answer to Q. 8)  b
123kduncan Author
6 years ago
Makes tons more sense now!
6 years ago
Slight Smile
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