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neddhelp4exam neddhelp4exam
Posts: 522
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6 years ago
Proofread these sentences for omitted words. Select the word that is missing from each sentence or select correct if the sentence needs no additions.
  Future rap star Onika Tanya Maraj born in Trinidad in 1982.
  A) the B) was C) correct

Ques. 2

Check the following paragraphs for unity. Then select the letter of the sentence that does not belong in the paragraph. (1) Although a jellyfish sting is usually painful, it can be treated without having to go to the hospital or doctor's office. (2) First of all, rinse the raised welt on the skin with saltwater. (3) Never use fresh water because it causes the jellyfish tentacles to release more venom. (4) Jellyfish are tough to spot as they're bobbing in the waves, and some areas are known to have large populations of the creatures. (5) An ointment for sunburn or bug bites can be applied to the welt to help reduce the pain. (6) Or, try the technique used by many Hawaiian lifeguards. (7) They make a paste of meat tenderizer mixed with vinegar, smear the paste on the welt, and leave it there for a few minutes. (8) Applying an ice pack will also help to reduce the swelling.
  A) sentence 2 B) sentence 4 C) sentence 8

Ques. 3

Check the following paragraphs for unity. Then select the letter of the sentence that does not belong in the paragraph. (1) All parents want their kids to be safe, happy, and healthy. (2) Therefore, they should make sure that their children learn how to swim. (3) Swimming is fun, and most children enjoy playing in the water once they conquer their fears and improve their swimming skills. (4) Even more important, though, knowing how to swim is a crucial skill that could well save a child's life. (5) When children know how to swim, they are better able to save themselves in the event they fall into a swimming pool or off of a boat. (6) Safety-conscious parents will also make sure that their kids wear bicycle helmets to protect their fragile heads. (7) Finally, kids should know how to swim because it's a great form of exercise. (8) Too many children in our society are overweight, and swimming could be an enjoyable way to help them shed excess pounds.
  A) sentence 6 B) sentence 7 C) sentence 8

Ques. 4

Check the following paragraphs for unity. Then select the letter of the sentence that does not belong in the paragraph. (1) Stress negatively affects many different parts of the body, from the brain to the bones. (2) It speeds up heart rate and respiration and raises blood pressure and body temperature. (3) It can interfere with metabolism, appetite, and digestion, so it can make us fat. (4) Stress weakens our immune system, too. (5) If stress continues for long periods of time, it can contribute to life-threatening diseases like cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. (6) Stress also worsens depression and weakens memory by shrinking an important part of the brain, perhaps permanently. (7) Stress is good when it gives us extra jolts of adrenaline to achieve peak performance in our daily lives.
  A) sentence 1 B) sentence 6 C) sentence 7

Ques. 5

_____________________________ _____________________________ ________________. Infants often resist when medicine is put into their mouthsjust like many household pets do. If your baby will not swallow a medication, the veterinarian suggests that you measure out the liquid in an oral syringe and squirt a small amount into his or her mouth. Then, gently blow on the baby's face. This triggers a reflex response in both pets and children, causing them to blink and then quickly swallow. Repeat the procedure until the infant has swallowed the whole dose.
  A) A veterinarian's technique will help you get your infant to swallow his or her medicine.
  B) Infants are quite similar to pets.
  C) For several reasons, most babies do not like to swallow medicine.

Ques. 6

_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________. When a fifteen-foot tiger shark bit off most of her left arm just below the shoulder, thirteen-year-old Bethany Hamilton did not cry during the attack. She was calm while her friend's father tied a tourniquet around her arm. After a harrowing experience like that, most people wouldn't want to go back into the ocean ever again. Bethany, however, was back on her surfboard just one month later. She also began entering competitions again, refusing special treatment. She said she now prays, sings, or calls out to nearby friends to keep her courage up because fear is something you just have to get over.
  A) Sharks are the biggest danger faced by surfers.
  B) Bethany Hamilton is a very brave young woman.
  C) Bethany Hamilton is a skilled surfer.
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6 years ago
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neddhelp4exam Author

6 years ago
Smart ... Thanks!


2 hours ago
Correct Slight Smile TY
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