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VictoriaLenea VictoriaLenea
Posts: 530
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6 years ago
The Industrial Revolution refers to the social and economic changes that occurred when machines and factories, rather than human labor, became the dominant mode for the production of goods. Industrialization occurred in the United States during the early and mid-1800s and represents one of the most profound influences on the family. Before industrialization, families functioned as an economic unit that produced goods and services for its own consumption. Parents and children worked together in or near the home to meet the survival needs of the family. As the United States became industrialized, more men and women left the home to sell their labor for wages. The family was no longer a self-sufficient unit that determined its work hours. Rather, employers determined where and when family members would work. Whereas children in preindustrialized America worked on farms and contributed to the economic survival of the family, children in industrialized America became economic liabilities rather than assets. Child labor laws and mandatory education removed children from the labor force and lengthened their dependence on parental support. Eventually, both parents had to work away from the home to support their children. The dual-income family had begun. During the Industrial Revolution, urbanization occurred as cities were built around factories and families moved to the city to work in the factories. Living space in cities was crowded and expensive, which contributed to a decline in the birthrate and to smaller families. The development of transportation systems during the Industrial Revolution made it possible for family members to travel to work sites away from the home and to move away from extended kin. With increased mobility, many extended families became separated into smaller nuclear family units consisting of parents and their children. As a result of parents' leaving the home to earn wages and the absence of extended kin in or near the family household, children had less adult supervision and moral guidance. Unsupervised children roamed the streets, increasing the potential for crime and delinquency. In the second paragraph, the word mandatory means
  a. unnecessary.
  b. optional.
  c. required. d. limited.

Ques. 2

The Industrial Revolution refers to the social and economic changes that occurred when machines and factories, rather than human labor, became the dominant mode for the production of goods. Industrialization occurred in the United States during the early and mid-1800s and represents one of the most profound influences on the family. Before industrialization, families functioned as an economic unit that produced goods and services for its own consumption. Parents and children worked together in or near the home to meet the survival needs of the family. As the United States became industrialized, more men and women left the home to sell their labor for wages. The family was no longer a self-sufficient unit that determined its work hours. Rather, employers determined where and when family members would work. Whereas children in preindustrialized America worked on farms and contributed to the economic survival of the family, children in industrialized America became economic liabilities rather than assets. Child labor laws and mandatory education removed children from the labor force and lengthened their dependence on parental support. Eventually, both parents had to work away from the home to support their children. The dual-income family had begun. During the Industrial Revolution, urbanization occurred as cities were built around factories and families moved to the city to work in the factories. Living space in cities was crowded and expensive, which contributed to a decline in the birthrate and to smaller families. The development of transportation systems during the Industrial Revolution made it possible for family members to travel to work sites away from the home and to move away from extended kin. With increased mobility, many extended families became separated into smaller nuclear family units consisting of parents and their children. As a result of parents' leaving the home to earn wages and the absence of extended kin in or near the family household, children had less adult supervision and moral guidance. Unsupervised children roamed the streets, increasing the potential for crime and delinquency. The main idea of the passage is
  a. the Industrial Revolution led to the growth of large cities.
  b. following the Industrial Revolution, families became smaller.
  c. the Industrial Revolution led to an increase in crime and delinquency.
  d. the Industrial Revolution had a huge impact on the American family.

Ques. 3

Living together may be defined as two unrelated adults involved in an emotional and sexual relationship who sleep overnight in the same residence on a regular basis. Almost 4 million unmarried couples are living together. Almost half of the U.S. population in their 30s report that they have lived with someone they were not married to. Reasons for an increase of almost 600 percent in living together since 1970 include a delay of marriage for educational or career commitments, fear of marriage, increased tolerance from society for living together, and a desire to avoid the legal entanglements of marriage. Types of livingtogether relationships include those involving partners who live together for fun (enjoy here and now), testers (test the relationship), engaged couples (plan to marry), and cohabitants forever (never plan to marry). Most people who live together eventually get married but not necessarily to each other. Most cohabitants drift into living together by progressively spending more time in one residence. They usually divide housework along traditional lines and tend to keep their money and property separate. Social policies to give benefits to domestic partners (live-ins) have been slow to evolve. Only about 10 percent of corporations provide such benefits. Advantages of cohabitation include delaying marriage, gaining information about oneself and one's partner, and being able to terminate an unsatisfactory relationship without the problems/stigma of divorce. Disadvantages include feeling exploited, feeling guilty about lying to parents, and not having the same economic benefits as those who are married. Social Security and retirement benefits are paid to spouses, not to live-in partners. Cohabitation does not ensure a happy and durable marriage. When cohabitants marry, they are more likely to divorce than individuals who did not live together before marriage. Cohabitation may draw individuals who are norm breakers and who are less committed to the institution of marriage. It may also provide a context for withdrawing from a conflictual relationship rather than negotiating solutions. Involvement with another person is a primary reason college student dating/cohabitation relationships end. Such an ending usually involves a face-to-face conversation that the relationship is over. Issues to consider in ending a relationship include being realistic about the potential of any relationship to meet all needs, taking the blame for why the relationship needs to end, and accepting that grieving is an important aspect of adjusting to a terminated relationship. Adjustment to a broken relationship is aided by the passage of time (particularly for women) and a new partner (particularly for men). The author's claim that Cohabitation does not ensure a happy and durable marriage. is
  a. adequately supported by factual evidence.
  b. inadequately supported because it lacks evidence.

Ques. 4

Living together may be defined as two unrelated adults involved in an emotional and sexual relationship who sleep overnight in the same residence on a regular basis. Almost 4 million unmarried couples are living together. Almost half of the U.S. population in their 30s report that they have lived with someone they were not married to. Reasons for an increase of almost 600 percent in living together since 1970 include a delay of marriage for educational or career commitments, fear of marriage, increased tolerance from society for living together, and a desire to avoid the legal entanglements of marriage. Types of livingtogether relationships include those involving partners who live together for fun (enjoy here and now), testers (test the relationship), engaged couples (plan to marry), and cohabitants forever (never plan to marry). Most people who live together eventually get married but not necessarily to each other. Most cohabitants drift into living together by progressively spending more time in one residence. They usually divide housework along traditional lines and tend to keep their money and property separate. Social policies to give benefits to domestic partners (live-ins) have been slow to evolve. Only about 10 percent of corporations provide such benefits. Advantages of cohabitation include delaying marriage, gaining information about oneself and one's partner, and being able to terminate an unsatisfactory relationship without the problems/stigma of divorce. Disadvantages include feeling exploited, feeling guilty about lying to parents, and not having the same economic benefits as those who are married. Social Security and retirement benefits are paid to spouses, not to live-in partners. Cohabitation does not ensure a happy and durable marriage. When cohabitants marry, they are more likely to divorce than individuals who did not live together before marriage. Cohabitation may draw individuals who are norm breakers and who are less committed to the institution of marriage. It may also provide a context for withdrawing from a conflictual relationship rather than negotiating solutions. Involvement with another person is a primary reason college student dating/cohabitation relationships end. Such an ending usually involves a face-to-face conversation that the relationship is over. Issues to consider in ending a relationship include being realistic about the potential of any relationship to meet all needs, taking the blame for why the relationship needs to end, and accepting that grieving is an important aspect of adjusting to a terminated relationship. Adjustment to a broken relationship is aided by the passage of time (particularly for women) and a new partner (particularly for men). The author suggests that
  a. cohabitation provides all the benefits of marriage.
  b. most cohabiting couples have known each other for many years.
  c. cohabiting couples usually have a hard time adjusting to an end of theirrelationships.
 d. most cohabiting couples end up marrying each other

Ques. 5

Living together may be defined as two unrelated adults involved in an emotional and sexual relationship who sleep overnight in the same residence on a regular basis. Almost 4 million unmarried couples are living together. Almost half of the U.S. population in their 30s report that they have lived with someone they were not married to. Reasons for an increase of almost 600 percent in living together since 1970 include a delay of marriage for educational or career commitments, fear of marriage, increased tolerance from society for living together, and a desire to avoid the legal entanglements of marriage. Types of livingtogether relationships include those involving partners who live together for fun (enjoy here and now), testers (test the relationship), engaged couples (plan to marry), and cohabitants forever (never plan to marry). Most people who live together eventually get married but not necessarily to each other. Most cohabitants drift into living together by progressively spending more time in one residence. They usually divide housework along traditional lines and tend to keep their money and property separate. Social policies to give benefits to domestic partners (live-ins) have been slow to evolve. Only about 10 percent of corporations provide such benefits. Advantages of cohabitation include delaying marriage, gaining information about oneself and one's partner, and being able to terminate an unsatisfactory relationship without the problems/stigma of divorce. Disadvantages include feeling exploited, feeling guilty about lying to parents, and not having the same economic benefits as those who are married. Social Security and retirement benefits are paid to spouses, not to live-in partners. Cohabitation does not ensure a happy and durable marriage. When cohabitants marry, they are more likely to divorce than individuals who did not live together before marriage. Cohabitation may draw individuals who are norm breakers and who are less committed to the institution of marriage. It may also provide a context for withdrawing from a conflictual relationship rather than negotiating solutions. Involvement with another person is a primary reason college student dating/cohabitation relationships end. Such an ending usually involves a face-to-face conversation that the relationship is over. Issues to consider in ending a relationship include being realistic about the potential of any relationship to meet all needs, taking the blame for why the relationship needs to end, and accepting that grieving is an important aspect of adjusting to a terminated relationship. Adjustment to a broken relationship is aided by the passage of time (particularly for women) and a new partner (particularly for men). The author's tone is this passage could be described as
  a. critical.
  b. impassioned. c. matter-of-fact.
  d. ironic.

Ques. 6

Living together may be defined as two unrelated adults involved in an emotional and sexual relationship who sleep overnight in the same residence on a regular basis. Almost 4 million unmarried couples are living together. Almost half of the U.S. population in their 30s report that they have lived with someone they were not married to. Reasons for an increase of almost 600 percent in living together since 1970 include a delay of marriage for educational or career commitments, fear of marriage, increased tolerance from society for living together, and a desire to avoid the legal entanglements of marriage. Types of livingtogether relationships include those involving partners who live together for fun (enjoy here and now), testers (test the relationship), engaged couples (plan to marry), and cohabitants forever (never plan to marry). Most people who live together eventually get married but not necessarily to each other. Most cohabitants drift into living together by progressively spending more time in one residence. They usually divide housework along traditional lines and tend to keep their money and property separate. Social policies to give benefits to domestic partners (live-ins) have been slow to evolve. Only about 10 percent of corporations provide such benefits. Advantages of cohabitation include delaying marriage, gaining information about oneself and one's partner, and being able to terminate an unsatisfactory relationship without the problems/stigma of divorce. Disadvantages include feeling exploited, feeling guilty about lying to parents, and not having the same economic benefits as those who are married. Social Security and retirement benefits are paid to spouses, not to live-in partners. Cohabitation does not ensure a happy and durable marriage. When cohabitants marry, they are more likely to divorce than individuals who did not live together before marriage. Cohabitation may draw individuals who are norm breakers and who are less committed to the institution of marriage. It may also provide a context for withdrawing from a conflictual relationship rather than negotiating solutions. Involvement with another person is a primary reason college student dating/cohabitation relationships end. Such an ending usually involves a face-to-face conversation that the relationship is over. Issues to consider in ending a relationship include being realistic about the potential of any relationship to meet all needs, taking the blame for why the relationship needs to end, and accepting that grieving is an important aspect of adjusting to a terminated relationship. Adjustment to a broken relationship is aided by the passage of time (particularly for women) and a new partner (particularly for men). Most cohabiting couples separate because
  a. one becomes involved with another romantic partner.
  b. the couple grows tired of one another.
  c. they have arguments over finances.
  d. their college studies interfere with dating.

Ques. 7

Living together may be defined as two unrelated adults involved in an emotional and sexual relationship who sleep overnight in the same residence on a regular basis. Almost 4 million unmarried couples are living together. Almost half of the U.S. population in their 30s report that they have lived with someone they were not married to. Reasons for an increase of almost 600 percent in living together since 1970 include a delay of marriage for educational or career commitments, fear of marriage, increased tolerance from society for living together, and a desire to avoid the legal entanglements of marriage. Types of livingtogether relationships include those involving partners who live together for fun (enjoy here and now), testers (test the relationship), engaged couples (plan to marry), and cohabitants forever (never plan to marry). Most people who live together eventually get married but not necessarily to each other. Most cohabitants drift into living together by progressively spending more time in one residence. They usually divide housework along traditional lines and tend to keep their money and property separate. Social policies to give benefits to domestic partners (live-ins) have been slow to evolve. Only about 10 percent of corporations provide such benefits. Advantages of cohabitation include delaying marriage, gaining information about oneself and one's partner, and being able to terminate an unsatisfactory relationship without the problems/stigma of divorce. Disadvantages include feeling exploited, feeling guilty about lying to parents, and not having the same economic benefits as those who are married. Social Security and retirement benefits are paid to spouses, not to live-in partners. Cohabitation does not ensure a happy and durable marriage. When cohabitants marry, they are more likely to divorce than individuals who did not live together before marriage. Cohabitation may draw individuals who are norm breakers and who are less committed to the institution of marriage. It may also provide a context for withdrawing from a conflictual relationship rather than negotiating solutions. Involvement with another person is a primary reason college student dating/cohabitation relationships end. Such an ending usually involves a face-to-face conversation that the relationship is over. Issues to consider in ending a relationship include being realistic about the potential of any relationship to meet all needs, taking the blame for why the relationship needs to end, and accepting that grieving is an important aspect of adjusting to a terminated relationship. Adjustment to a broken relationship is aided by the passage of time (particularly for women) and a new partner (particularly for men). In the fourth paragraph, the word stigma means
  a. benefits.
  b. advantages.
  c. sign of acceptance.
  d. mark of disgrace.
Read 68 times
3 Replies

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6 years ago
(Answer to Q. 1)  C

(Answer to Q. 2)  D

(Answer to Q. 3)  B

(Answer to Q. 4)  C

(Answer to Q. 5)  C

(Answer to Q. 6)  A

(Answer to Q. 7)  D
VictoriaLenea Author
6 years ago
Excellent response
6 years ago
Thank you
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