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Armenb Armenb
Posts: 570
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6 years ago
A perfectly competitive firm will shut down if the price falls below its average total cost. Do you agree? Explain.
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 2

Explain how selling costs in monopolistic competition affect the efficiency of monopolistic competition.
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 3

All of the following are programs that redistribute income by making direct payments to people in the lower part of the income distribution EXCEPT
  A) social security programs.
  B) welfare programs.
  C) Individual Retirement Accounts.
  D) unemployment compensation.

Ques. 4

Explain the concept of adverse selection. Give an example.
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 5

Why are selling costs high in monopolistic competition?
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 6

Which of the following is a nonrenewable resource?
  A) residential land
  B) sunshine
  C) a machine tool
  D) oil

Ques. 7

Economies of scale
  A) lead to rising long-run average costs as output increases.
  B) occur if output more than doubles when all inputs are doubled.
  C) occur if output less than doubles when all inputs are doubled.
  D) occur when management complexity brings rising average cost.

Ques. 8

If a local fishing club spends time each year cleaning up local streams by removing trash thrown by motorists, efficiency would be improved if
  A) motorists were fined and fishing club activities were taxed.
  B) the fishing club's activities were subsidized.
  C) the fishing club was taxed.
  D) motorists were subsidized.
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6 years ago
(Answer to Q. 1)  A perfectly competitive firm will not shut down as far as the price is above its average variable cost. If the price is below the ATC but above the AVC, the firm can cover part of its fixed cost if it continues to operate. If the firm shuts down, it incurs an economic loss equal to total fixed cost. So as long as the price is above the AVC, the firm will have a smaller economic loss if it continues to operate than if it shuts down.

(Answer to Q. 2)  The additional selling costs from product differentiation and marketing increase consumer choice by providing variety. This benefits society and weighs in favor of the efficiency of monopolistic competition. However, selling costs can add to the product's price. Also, at times the product differentiation is more apparent than real. These factors harm society and count against the efficiency of monopolistic competition.

(Answer to Q. 3)  C

(Answer to Q. 4)  Adverse selection is a tendency for people to enter into agreements in which they can use their private information to their own advantage and to the disadvantage of the less informed party. For example, if a car dealership offers its salespeople a fixed wage, it will attract lazy salespeople. Hardworking salespeople will prefer not to work for this dealership because they can earn more by working a dealership that pays by results.

(Answer to Q. 5)  In monopolistic competition, there are a large number of small firms producing differentiated products. Each firm's output is a substitute for other firms' output; therefore demand for any firm's product is very elastic. If firms can further differentiate their product in the eyes of the consumer, they might be able to both increase demand and decrease demand elasticity, at least temporarily. In this case, the firm could then charge a higher price and, temporarily at least, make an economic profit. This differentiation occurs through innovation, product development and marketing, which contribute to selling costs.

(Answer to Q. 6)  D

(Answer to Q. 7)  B

(Answer to Q. 8)  B
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6 years ago
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