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the reader the reader
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6 years ago
According to the goodness of fit model, educators should ask which question?
  A. What temperament characteristics contribute to better school performance?
  B. How can we change temperament in problem children?
  C. How can we control problem behaviors in children with certain temperaments?
  D. What kind of environment and procedures are most conducive to learning for this student, given his or her temperament?

Question 2

Research on the academic performance of elementary school children has found
  A. temperament is not related to academic performance.
  B. children with an easy temperament don't do as well in school as other children.
  C. students do better when their temperament is similar to that of the teacher.
  D. temperament plays a role in how well children do in school.

Question 3

Research indicates that a child's temperament is related to how well he or she performs in school. Researchers explain this finding with each of the following reasons except one. Which one?
  A. Temperament is related to intelligence.
  B. Teachers may be more willing to work with students of certain temperament.
  C. Some temperaments are more compatible with the requirements of the typical classroom than others.
  D. Teachers sometimes misinterpret temperamental differences in their students.

Question 4

Researchers measured children's fear of unfamiliar situations at 21 months and again at four years of age. When the children were brought back to the laboratory at five and a half years, the researchers found
  A. that children who were inhibited earlier displayed more risky behavior when playing a ball-tossing game.
  B. that children who were inhibited earlier displayed more risky behavior when playing on a mattress in a falling game.
  C. that children who were inhibited at 21 months and four years again clung to their mother or father as before.
  D. that children who were uninhibited at 21 months and four years began to cling to their mother or father at five and a half years.

Question 5

Theorists give many arguments for the evolution of anxiety. Each of the following is an argument except one. Which one?
  A. Humans need to belong to groups.
  B. We all have a need to dominate others.
  C. Anxiety is found in nearly every culture of the world.
  D. Anxiety assists the survival needs of the species.

Question 6

According to the evolutionary psychology perspective, the process of social exclusion leads to anxiety because
  A. people fear that others will punish them.
  B. experiencing anxiety serves an important survival function.
  C. each of us is reminded of a traumatic experience in childhood.
  D. all of the above

Question 7

Alison becomes very anxious when she has to give a speech in front of an audience. Advocates of evolutionary personality theory might call Alison's problem an example of anxiety caused by
  A. conditioning.
  B. an inherited temperament.
  C. a fear of social exclusion.
  D. a fear of novel situations.

Question 8

According to evolutionary personality theory, psychological mechanisms
  A. evolved because they were needed for survival.
  B. helped the species survive and reproduce.
  C. are identical in all people.
  D. were once useful, but no longer are.
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6 years ago
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