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wayneyoo wayneyoo
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6 years ago
Your text discusses a number of alternatives to biological explanations of sexual orientation. Which of these alternatives was supported by the social constructionist approach?
  a. The theory that a lesbian is someone who failed to identify with her mother.
  b. The theory that lesbians were sexually molested as children.
  c. The theory that sexuality is fluid and flexible, based on people's evaluation of life experiences.
  d. The theory that homosexuality interferes with the successful passing on of genes to the next generation.

Question 2

The research on the biological basis of sexual orientation has been criticized because
  a. it uses self-report to establish the research participants' sexual orientation.
  b. it cannot explain why 75 of the identical twins did not share the same sexual orientation.
  c. much of the research generalizes from lesbians, in order to draw conclusions about gay men and bisexuals.
  d. researchers have not paid enough attention to sexual behaviors in nonhuman animals.

Question 3

Which of the following items provides the most accurate summary of Lisa M. Diamond's research on the fluidity of many women's sexual identity?
  a. Women who have stereotypically masculine careers are twice as likely as other women to develop a bisexual identity.
  b. Sexual feelings are more important than emotional reactions when women are making decisions about their sexual identity.
  c. Research on nonheterosexual women shows that there are more stable lesbians than fluid lesbians..
  d. Research on nonheterosexual women shows that the majority preferred to call themselves unlabeled at some point in their lives.

Question 4

Which of the following students provides the most accurate information about women's patterns of sexual orientation?
  a. Paige: Most lesbian women began by trying to have heterosexual relationships; then they questioned those relationships and decided to adopt a completely lesbian identity..
  b. Horace: Men are more likely than women to shift between heterosexuality and a homosexual identity..
  c. Sven: When researchers question women who considered themselves to be lesbian at some point in their lives, the women report that they are now either clearly lesbian or clearly heterosexual..
  d. Liv: Most women who identify as nonheterosexual' are likely to have questioned or changed their sexual identity at some point..

Question 5

Which of the following students provides the most accurate information about bisexuality?
  a. Robert: Heterosexual people have greater acceptance of bisexual women than of lesbians..
  b. Nancy: Women are more likely to be attracted only to women, rather than to both women and men..
  c. Toms: Heterosexual people believe that lesbians are more likely than bisexual women to be unfaithful to their romantic partner..
  d. Ulla: If a bisexual women is bicultural, she already knows that most North Americans have difficulty with people who don't fit into just one category..

Question 6

According to the discussion about bisexual women,
  a. virtually all of them are in a transition stage that is necessary before accepting a lesbian identity.
  b. research shows that they are more well adjusted than lesbian women.
  c. they are often rejected by both lesbian and heterosexual communities.
  d. most bisexual women have been married to a man at some time in their lives.
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6 years ago
(Answer to Q. 1)  C

(Answer to Q. 2)  B

(Answer to Q. 3)  D

(Answer to Q. 4)  D

(Answer to Q. 5)  D

(Answer to Q. 6)  C
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