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tcshepherd13 tcshepherd13
Posts: 571
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6 years ago
The most important fact about observational learning is that it requires
  A) no reinforcement.
  B) drive reduction.
  C) effect anticipation.
  D) the four social-cognitive processs.

Question 2

According to Dollard and Miller, there are probably more taboos in our culture related to than there are for any other type of activity.
  A) toilet activities
  B) sex
  C) incest
  D) swearing

Question 3

According to Dollard and Miller, depending on how the feeding situation is handled, a child may
  A) become passive or apathetic.
  B) come to believe the world is an unpredictable place.
  C) grow up disliking other people.
  D) all of the above

Question 4

According to Dollard and Miller, the physical symptoms that a neurotic develops
  A) are only manifestations of a repressed conflict.
  B) are only manifestations of a suppressed conflict.
  C) are aimed at diverting the therapists attention away from the real problem.
  D) constitute his or her real problem.

Question 5

Dollard and Miller follow Freud in assuming that is at the heart of neurotic behavior.
  A) sexual abuse
  B) the basic evil
  C) identity crisis
  D) conflict

Question 6

According to Miller and Dollard (and Freud), which of the following is causally related to neurosis?
  A) repression
  B) suppression
  C) sublimation
  D) displacement

Question 7

According to Dollard and Miller, the unconscious mind consists of
  A) experiences that were never verbalized.
  B) experiences that have been repressed.
  C) both A and B
  D) neither A nor B

Question 8

Dollard and Miller consider unconscious processes to be in determining behavior.
  A) unimportant
  B) extremely important
  C) somewhat important
  D) all important
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2 Replies

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6 years ago
(Answer to Q. 1)  Answer: A

(Answer to Q. 2)  Answer: B

(Answer to Q. 3)  Answer: D

(Answer to Q. 4)  Answer: A

(Answer to Q. 5)  Answer: D

(Answer to Q. 6)  Answer: A

(Answer to Q. 7)  Answer: C

(Answer to Q. 8)  Answer: B
tcshepherd13 Author
6 years ago
Makes more sense now, TY
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