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mfurness123 mfurness123
Posts: 316
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6 years ago
________ requires a reliance on the material misrepresented fact.
  Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Q. #2

CAT stands for Computers and Technology
  a. True
  b. False

Q. #3

Which of the following statements is NOT true with respect to child support?
  A) Child support is deductible to the payor and income to the payee.
  B) Child support is a right of the child.
  C) Child support awards remain under the continuing jurisdiction of the court.
  D) Child support awards are not terminated as a result of the remarriage of either parent.

Q. #4

Under federal law, primary responsibility for enforcing child support obligations rests with the state's
  A) putative father registry.
  B) TANF Program.
  C) State Case Registry.
  D) IV-D agency.

Q. #5

Suzi and Jack were married for ten years and separated in the spring of 2006. They had lived in Illinois for the entire time they were married and Jack still lives there where he has always lived and worked. He has an auto repair shop. Suzi moved to North Carolina with the children and is now living there with a man she hopes to marry after her divorce from Jack is final. She has filed for divorce, custody and property division in North Carolina in the appropriate court and John was personally served with the papers in Illinois. His attorney will likely promptly file which of the following?
  A) an Answer
  B) a general appearance
  C) a Motion to Dismiss for lack of personal jurisdiction
  D) a Motion to Dismiss for lack of proper service of process

Q. #6

Bob and Joann have been married for seven years. At first all went well, but after two years, Bob began drinking heavily and had unpredictable angry outbursts during which he frequently hit Joann. She put up with it for two years and then moved out because she feared for her physical safety. They have had no contact since she moved out. She intends to file for divorce on a fault ground  most likely which of the following?
  A) constructive desertion
  B) abandonment
  C) irreconcilable differences
  D) living separate and apart for a specified period of time

Q. #7

Bert owns homes in Ft. Myers, Florida and San Francisco, California. He stays in Florida from October through May. He has a car registered in each state and flies back and forth between the two states. He uses his California address on his tax returns, votes in that state, and has a California driver's license. San Francisco can best be described as Bert's
  A) jurisdiction.
  B) home state.
  C) residence.
  D) domicile.

Q. #8

Joe and Lindsey have been married for twenty years and have been struggling to save their marriage. Joe recently moved out claiming he needed some space for a while to think things over. The parties have three minor children who are all living with Lindsey. She is not employed and has limited economic resources. The most appropriate action for her to file at this point is one for
  A) annulment.
  B) separate maintenance.
  C) divorce.
  D) division of marital property.
Read 48 times
2 Replies

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6 years ago
(Answer to Q. 1)  Fraud

(Answer to Q. 2)  B

(Answer to Q. 3)  A

(Answer to Q. 4)  D

(Answer to Q. 5)  C

(Answer to Q. 6)  A

(Answer to Q. 7)  D

(Answer to Q. 8)  B
mfurness123 Author
6 years ago
Great answers, all of them were right
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