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bobo bobo
Posts: 567
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6 years ago
Why is an electroencephalography used to diagnose epilepsy?
  What will be an ideal response?


An empyema is ________.
  A) extra air filling the alveoli
  B) bluish discoloration of the skin
  C) an occupational lung disease
  D) pus in the thoracic cavity


Which type of procedure uses a strong magnetic field inside a scanner to align protons in the atoms of the patient's body?
  A) MRI
  B) ultrasound
  C) CT scan
  D) x-ray


The combining form carp/o- means ________.
  Fill in the blank(s) with correct word


Explain how a cerebrovascular accident leads to death of brain tissue.
  What will be an ideal response?


Pulmonary edema (fluid in the alveoli) is caused by ________.
  A) smoking
  B) tuberculosis
  C) backup of blood
  D) obstructive sleep apnea


In which type of x-ray does the beam enter the patient's anterior chest, penetrate the upper body, exit the upper back, and enter the x-ray plate?
  A) PA chest x-ray
  B) AP chest x-ray
  C) lateral chest x-ray
  D) oblique x-ray


Blood group antigens are protein molecules located on the cell membranes of ________.
  A) leukocytes
  B) clotting factors
  C) thrombocytes
  D) erythrocytes
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6 years ago
[Answer to ques. #1]  An electroencephalography (EEG) maps electrical impulses that move along neurons in the brain. Epilepsy is characterized by nerve groups of neurons in the brain that send abnormal, uncontrolled impulses. The EEG shows the distinct patterns of the abnormal electrical brain activity found in epilepsy. Electr/o- means electricity; encephal/o- means brain; -graphy means process of recording.

[Answer to ques. #2]  D
Explanation: A) This describes bronchiectasis, not empyema.
B) This describes cyanosis, not empyema.
C) Empyema is not an occupational lung disease.
D) Correct

[Answer to ques. #3]  A
Explanation: A) Correct MRI stands for magnetic resonance imaging.
B) Ultrasound does not use a magnetic field.
C) CT scan does not use a magnetic field.
D) An x-ray does not use a magnetic field.

[Answer to ques. #4]  wrist

[Answer to ques. #5]  An interruption of blood flow from a blood clot or a ruptured aneurysm in an artery providing blood to brain tissue in a particular site can create a lack of oxygen to that part of the brain and cause brain cells to die. This area of dead cells is called an infarct.

[Answer to ques. #6]  C
Explanation: A) Smoking does not cause pulmonary edema.
B) Tuberculosis does not cause pulmonary edema.
C) Correct
D) Obstructive sleep apnea does not cause pulmonary edema.

[Answer to ques. #7]  B
Explanation: A) The x-ray beam does not travel in that direction for a PA chest x-ray.
B) Correct
C) The x-ray beam does not travel in that direction for a lateral x-ray.
D) The x-ray beam does not travel in that direction for an oblique x-ray.

[Answer to ques. #8]  D
Explanation: A) Blood group antigens are not located on leukocytes.
B) Blood group antigens are not located on clotting factors.
C) Blood group antigens are not located on thrombocytes.
D) Correct The cell membrane of erythrocytes contains antigens for blood groups.
bobo Author
6 years ago
Perfect on my quiz, so smart <3
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