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romankn romankn
Posts: 546
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6 years ago
The nurse is caring for an immunosuppressed patient. Which care considerations should the nurse include? (Select all that apply.)
  a. Increase fresh fruit intake.
  b. Adhere to Standard Precautions.
  c. Avoid bringing potted plants into the pa-tient's room.
  d. Employ reverse isolation.
  e. Use filters on air conditioner vents.

Question 2

The PACU nurse is caring for an unconscious patient. Assessment reveals diminished breath sounds bilaterally. Which action should the nurse take?
  a. Hyperventilate the patient with an Ambu bag.
  b. Increase bi-nasal oxygen to 3 L/min.
  c. Elevate the head of bed 45 degrees.
  d. Document diminished breath sounds in both lower lobes.

Question 3

A patient at risk for the development of osteoporosis has reported plans to increase calcium intake. Which meal choice is most appropriate for this patient?
  a. Grilled salmon, green beans, and milk
  b. Hamburger patty on a wheat bun, baked chips, and milk
  c. Grilled chicken breast, tossed salad, and fruit punch
  d. Bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwich on whole-grain bread, orange slices, and milk

Question 4

The nurse is explaining Parkinson disease to the student nurse. Which statement indicates that the student nurse correctly understands the pathophysiology of the disease?
  a. Regardless of the actual etiology, Par-kinson disease is caused by depletion of dopamine and excess of acetylcholine.
  b. The pathophysiology of the disease is caused by the deterioration of the myelin sheath of the basal ganglia.
  c. Excess dopamine and deficient acetyl-choline are the cause of Parkinson dis-ease.
  d. When there is decreased dopamine up-take at receptors in brain cells, Parkinson disease results.

Question 5

Which patient would the nurse consider to be immunosuppressed? (Select all that apply.)
  a. A patient on chemotherapy for cancer
  b. A patient using corticosteroids
  c. A patient pregnant at 28 weeks gestation
  d. A patient recovering from joint replace-ment
  e. A patient diagnosed with human immu-nodeficiency virus (HIV)

Question 6

The PACU nurse is caring for a semiconscious patient immediately following abdominal surgery. The nurse correctly places the patient in which position?
  a. Supine
  b. Semi-Fowler
  c. Lateral
  d. Trendelenburg

Question 7

The nurse is assessing the patient's crutches. Which observation confirms that the crutches are sized correctly?
  a. The crutches are the same height as the patient's shoulders.
  b. The crutches are approximately 12 inches shorter than the patient's shoulders.
  c. The crutches are approximately 16 inches shorter than the patient's height.
  d. The crutches are tall enough to allow the patient's arms to be fully extended when walking.

Question 8

The patient with a right-sided paralysis from a stroke becomes frustrated when attempting to self-feed. He throws the spoon at the nurse and begins to cry. What nursing action(s) is/are most appropriate at this time? (Select all that apply.)
  a. Retrieve the spoon and sit quietly for a few seconds.
  b. Touch the patient and inquire if he would rather have a high-protein milkshake for his meal.
  c. Remind the patient that such behavior is not acceptable.
  d. Add an intervention to the NCP for in-creased support with self-feeding.
  e. Complete an incident report.

Question 9

Techniques of testing for possible allergy include which of the following? (Select all that apply.)
  a. The scratch test
  b. Drinking diluted solution of antigen
  c. Intradermal injection
  d. Dropping solution in the eye
  e. Adhesive patches
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6 years ago
The answer to question 1  B, C, D, E
Patients who are immunosuppressed require extended precautions, which are included in the neutropenic precautions, reverse isolation, or protective isolation. Fresh fruit and potted plants should be avoided because bacteria and other substances that have the potential to cause harm may be present.

The answer to question 2  D
Mild atelectasis is an expected sign after anesthesia for the first 48 hours after surgery. This finding is considered a normal finding while the patient is in the PACU and would require no further intervention unless other signs and symptoms, such as decreased oxygen saturation, were present.

The answer to question 3  A
In addition to dairy products, sources of calcium include canned sardines or salmon, tofu, figs, and green vegetables.

The answer to question 4  A
The specific cause of Parkinson disease is unknown, but the basic pathophysiology is depletion of dopamine and excess of acetylcholine.

The answer to question 5  A, B, D, E
A woman at 28 weeks gestation is not considered immunocompromised. All of the other options represent people who are immunosuppressed.

The answer to question 6  C
Aspiration is a high-risk complication during this phase of recovery and can best be prevented by placing the unconscious or semiconscious patient on the side with head turned to the side.

The answer to question 7  C
Crutches should be about 16 inches (40 cm) shorter than the patient's height. When in the stand-ing position with axillary crutches, the axillary bar should be two finger breadths below the axilla. The elbow should be flexed at a 30-degree angle when the palms of the hands rest on the handgrip. It is important that the patient not rest the body at the axilla on the top of the crutch; body weight should be borne by the arms on the hand rests of the crutches. If crutches are too long, pressure on the axilla will occur and can cause nerve and circulatory impairment.

The answer to question 8  A, B, C, D
Quietly retrieving the spoon, offering an alternative, reassuring the patient, and devoting new interventions related to the self-feeding deficit are appropriate nursing actions in this situation. Completing an incident report is not necessary unless the nurse or someone else was injured.

The answer to question 9  A, B, C, E
Testing for allergy in the eye is no longer done. All other options will produce an inflammatory response from the application of the antigen.
romankn Author
6 years ago
Such an awesome helper!
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