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jumer01 jumer01
Posts: 364
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6 years ago
The patient with sleep apnea is fitted with a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) mask and asks the nurse how this device will help. How should the nurse respond?
  a. The device delivers constant positive pressure to keep your airway open.
  b. The device will require you to be intu-bated to open your airway.
  c. The device delivers oxygen only when you are apneic.
  d. The device delivers negative pressure to stimulate your respirations.

Question 2

The nurse is educating a patient who requires daily postural drainage treatments. Which statement indicates that the patient understands when and why treatments will be scheduled?
  a. I will have treatments first thing in the morning to get rid of fluids that have built up over night.
  b. I will have my treatments after an hour after breakfast to make sure that I am fully alert.
  c. I will have treatments after lunch to pre-vent an unsafe drop in my blood sugar.
  d. I will have treatments right before bed to ensure that I breathe more easily at night.

Question 3

The nursing team is prioritizing the problem statement/nursing diagnoses of an overweight hospital patient. Which problem statement/nursing diagnosis would be most important for this patient?
  a. Risk for dehydration related to vomiting.
  b. Activity intolerance related to shortness of breath.
  c. Knowledge deficit related to weight re-duction diet.
  d. Altered self-image related to excessive weight.

Question 4

The nurse is teaching a 50-year-old male patient who is taking estrogens as treatment of prostate cancer. The nurse should educate the patient about which expected side effect?
  a. Blurred vision
  b. Gynecomastia
  c. Enlarged gonads
  d. Acne

Question 5

The nurse is caring for a patient with cancer who is receiving vincristine. Which precaution is most important for the nurse to take?
  a. Prevent the patient from getting chilled.
  b. Administer a stool softener as ordered.
  c. Offer the patient a soft toothbrush.
  d. Feed the patient a snack during the infusion.

Question 6

The nurse is caring for a patient with a goal/outcome statement of Patient will sleep for 5 hours uninterrupted each night. Which nursing intervention should the nurse include?
  a. Medicate with sedative each night.
  b. Offer warm fluids frequently.
  c. Arrange for a large meal at supper.
  d. Discourage daytime napping.
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6 years ago
The answer to question 1  A
The CPAP mask delivers a constant positive pressure to keep the airway open. CPAP does not require intubation and does not deliver negative pressure.

The answer to question 2  A
If the patient is to have postural drainage only once a day, drainage should be done in the morn-ing to remove secretions that have accumulated during the night. Because there is likely to be some gagging during coughing episodes that take place during postural drainage, it is best to carry out the procedure before meals, when the stomach is relatively empty and vomiting is less likely.

The answer to question 3  B
Activity intolerance is the highest priority as it has to do with activities that are essential to life. The second is Knowledge deficit related to weight reduction diet, followed by Altered self-image related to excessive weight, and the last is Risk for dehydration related to vomiting.

The answer to question 4  B
Men taking estrogen experience a redistribution of fat and develop enlarged breasts (gynecomastia). Estrogen should not result in blurred vision, enlarged gonads, or acne.

The answer to question 5  B
Certain antineoplastic drugs, such as vincristine, vinblastine, and paclitaxel, cause constipation. Increasing fluids (as allowed), adding fiber to the diet, administering stool softeners and fiber laxatives, exercise, and monitoring vigilantly for the beginning signs of constipation are the usual measures taken. Suppositories or enemas may be necessary. Preventing chills does provide comfort but does not work to actively prevent constipation. Offering a soft tooth brush is an appropriate intervention for mediations that increase bleeding risk. Feeding the patient a snack during the infusion may exacerbate constipation.

The answer to question 6  D
Discouraging daytime napping increases the probability of sleep. Giving medication is a colla-borative intervention as it requires an order. Large meal and large fluid intakes may interrupt sleep.
jumer01 Author
6 years ago
Appreciate this a lot, answers were right.
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