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Amazingorange Amazingorange
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6 years ago
A BMI of less than ____ is an indicator of high risk for malnutrition.
  A. 21
  B. 22
  C. 23
  D. 24

Question 2

Useful laboratory measures that indicate proteinenergy malnutrition in hospitalized elders include a serum albumin level below____.
  A. 3.4 g/dl
  B. 4.2 g/dl
  C. 5.2 g/dl
  D. 6.4 g/dl

Question 3

For measuring weight in patients in long-term care facilities:
  A. Always use same scale
  B. Record the patient's clothing
  C. Calculate the body mass index (BMI)
  D. All the above

Question 4

The functional reach test is a good predictor of:
  A. Susceptibility to fall
  B. Complete range of motion
  C. Dependence in ADLs
  D. A & C

Question 5

A get up and go test involves having the patient rise from a chair, walk 20 feet, turn and walk back to the examiner. This should be completed within____ seconds.
  A. 10
  B. 15
  C. 20
  D. 25

Question 6

Adults tend to lose 1 inch every ____ years after age 40.
  A. 30
  B. 25
  C. 20
  D. 15
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6 years ago
The answer to question 1  ANS: A
A BMI of less than 21 or a total body weight of less than 100 pounds is an indicator of a high risk for protein-energy malnutrition.

The answer to question 2  ANS: A
Useful laboratory measures that indicate protein-energy malnutrition or potentially poor outcomes in hospitalized elders include a serum albumin level below 3.4 g/dL and total cholesterol below 160 mg/dL.

The answer to question 3  ANS: D
Obtain an accurate weight, and make sure the scale is calibrated. For residents of long-term care facilities, always use the same scale for the same patient and, if there is a change in scale, make sure to note that beside the weight. Document what the patient is wearing, and always weigh in that same state. Significant weight loss is a quality indicator measure, and a pattern of weight loss in any facility will trigger an investigation by state and federal regulatory agencies. Ask the patient's usual body weight if possible. Calculate ideal body weight using the same formula as for any other population. Once you have obtained an accurate height and weight, calculate the body mass index (BMI).

The answer to question 4  ANS: D
The functional reach test is another useful test for upper extremity function that correlates well with an increased risk for falls and dependence (Behrman et al. 2002). Give the client the following instructions: Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your right (dominant) side next to, but not touching, a wall. Extend your right arm (or whichever is closest to the wall) parallel to the floor at shoulder height with your fingers extended. Now reach forward as far as you can, bending at the waist, but do not lift your heels off the floor. The examiner measures the distance in centimeters from the back of the shoulder to the tip of the middle finger in the normal reach position and again in the forward reach position. Differences greater than 25 cm are a significant predictor of falls and increased dependence in ADLs and IADLs.

The answer to question 5  ANS: B
The timed get-up-and-go test should be administered to all clients who have experienced a fall or who report difficulty with strenuous activities, such as fast walking, heavy housework, shopping, or climbing stairs. It is easy to perform and takes very little additional time during the examination. Place a chair in an unobstructed location and instruct client to rise from the seated position, walk 20 feet, turn, walk back to the chair, and sit down. Time this activity with a stopwatch. In populations that cannot complete the task in 15 seconds or less, research has shown a strong correlation (0.60.8) with other measures of gait and balance (Gerety 2000).

The answer to question 6  ANS: C
One of the key factors in tracking malnutrition is measuring and recording clients' heights and weights. Most adults overestimate their height and underestimate their weight on self-report; height is a particular problem because adults tend to lose 1 inch of height every 20 years after age 35 to 40. Measurement of standing height is difficult if there is any degree of kyphosis (underestimates the actual height).
Amazingorange Author
6 years ago
I can see it now, thanks for clarifying
6 years ago
Make sure to mark the topic solved
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