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tyty93 tyty93
Posts: 341
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6 years ago
A client from a non-English-speaking culture refuses to accept one prescribed treatment for an acute illness. Which of the following should the nurse do to support this client's refusal of care?
  1. Suggest the client be discharged since care is being refused.
  2. Talk with the client about the treatment and why it is not being accepted.
  3. Ask the physician to prescribe an equally effective treatment so that the client may agree.
  4. Transfer the client to another care area.

Question 2

The nurse is analyzing the main principles of clinical ethics prior to planning care for a client. Which of the following are considered the main principles of clinical ethics? (Select all that apply.)
  1. Malfeasance
  2. Autonomy
  3. Liberty
  4. Nonmaleficence
  5. Beneficence
  6. Justice

Question 3

The nurse caring for elderly clients begins to experience anger, guilt, and frustration over the prescribed medical treatments for the clients. The nurse is demonstrating which of the following?
  1. Moral distress
  2. Burnout
  3. Signs of a chronic illness
  4. Evidence of an acute illness

Question 4

The nurse is planning interventions for a client with a chronic illness who is experiencing stress. Which of the following would be appropriate for this client?
  1. Inform the client that others have the responsibility for addressing her stress.
  2. Inform the client about diet, exercise, and medications to help with her stress.
  3. Remind the client that keeping a journal is not a good use of time.
  4. Encourage the client to remain isolated until the stress passes.

Question 5

A client is asked to participate in a research study. The client does not want to participate but does not want to seem unwilling to receive treatment for an illness. Which of the following should the nurse explain to this client?
  1. Negative effects from research rarely occur.
  2. It is an honor to be asked to participate in a research study.
  3. Refusing to participate is the client's right.
  4. The physician wants the client to participate.
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6 years ago
The answer to question 1

The client from a non-English-speaking culture could have cultural limitations on the prescribed treatment. The best approach would be for the nurse to talk with the client about the treatment to find out why it is not being accepted. Discharging or transferring the client would not meet the client's health care or cultural needs. Asking the physician to prescribe a different treatment also does not meet the client's cultural needs.

The answer to question 2

2, 4, 5, 6
The four main principles of clinical ethics are: 1) autonomy, 2) nonmaleficence, 3) beneficence, and 4) justice. Liberty is a component of autonomy. Malfeasance is wrong or illegal conduct.

The answer to question 3

Moral distress in nursing occurs when the nurse is aware of the right and moral action to take in client situations but is unable to carry out the action because of external constraints. This form of distress can lead to feelings of anger, guilt, and frustration. The nurse is not experiencing burnout though burnout could occur if moral distress continues. The nurse is not experiencing signs of a chronic or acute illness.

The answer to question 4

Interventions to assist a client with a chronic illness who is experiencing stress include informing the client she has the responsibility for addressing her stress; informing the client about diet, exercise, and medications to help with her stress; encouraging the client to keep a journal to monitor progress; and encouraging the client to seek social support and avoid isolation.

The answer to question 5

The nurse needs to support the client's right to autonomy and explain that the client has the right to refuse participation in the research study. There is no guarantee that negative effects from the research study will not occur. The nurse should not persuade the client by stating that it is an honor to be asked to participate or that the physician wants the client to participate.
tyty93 Author
6 years ago
Thank you Slight Smile
6 years ago
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